
Anteprima personalizzata
 1.587.288 scaricati (71 ieri)   Gratis per uso personale

24 commenti

Gunarta  31/10/2013
Poemhaiku  18/11/2013
Love it!
Kelsey5186  21/01/2014
how much to use this font for commercial use please? Please email me at or message me on here :)
Elizabeth c  26/06/2014
i would like to use this font please email me
laraffe  07/10/2014
Interested in using this font for commercial much? please email me at
mona_5555  30/10/2014
I would like to use your font, too! Please mail me:
Pjs  17/11/2014
We are also interested in purchasing your font. Please email at
We look forward to hearing from you.
leegiug  09/12/2014
I want the font used for commercial purposes. Wondering how to use and cost. Please
JBV13  28/12/2014
I'm interested in using your font for commercial purposes. Please email me at Thank you.
mmm12  18/02/2015
Beautiful!! Is this available for commercial use? Please email me at Thank you!
claudeserieux  autore di Maratre   18/02/2015
No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,
comment please.
mare568  21/02/2015
Is this "No, No, No, No, ..." just for no comment, or also for no commercial use???
akira1975  06/10/2015
See Aurore by François Boltana:
vals54  29/08/2016
Is your font available for commercial purposes? Please email me at Thank you!
annturner23  12/09/2016
Could you please email how much it is to use this font for commercial use. thanks.

Ventsislav  13/12/2017
I want to buy this font for commercial purpose. Please contact me at as soon as is possible. Thanks
Decoalex1  19/02/2018
I would like to use
victoriagdesigns  27/02/2018
Is your font available for commercial purposes? Could you please leave your mail or replay to
Best Regards
victoriagdesigns  27/02/2018
Is your font available for commercial purposes? Could you please leave your mail or replay to
Best Regards
aweldon20  13/05/2018
Could you email me about buying your font for commercial use?

Thank you!!
jaeronymous  22/05/2018
I'm not clear--does the author of this font want us to comment or no?
Ulziikhutag  16/10/2018
Gorgeous!!!How much is to use it for business please?
ale_parolibere  19/04/2020
Sorry for the comment, i know you don't want any, but I'm interested in commercial use of this beautiful font and i really don't know how to contact otherwise. Please, could you let me know how much it is for commercial use and what payment methods are available, because i don't have a PayPal account. Many thanks and best regards.
lorenap  06/06/2023
Hello, we love your font and would love to speak with you in regards to buying your font for commercial use. Could you please email me at

I look forward to hearing from you, thank you in advance:)

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