
Anteprima personalizzata
 6.092.760 scaricati (660 ieri)   Di pubblico dominio / GPL / OFL

73 commenti

Fergus  24/11/2010
Lovely font dude!
brtkr  24/11/2010
Lovely, but where are letters ő, ű, Ő, Ű? Or romanian ț, Ț, ș, Ș?
PabloImpallari  autore di Lobster   25/11/2010
@Fergus: Thanks!
@Károly: Maybe I can add those glyphs for the next release.
Oink!  30/11/2010
Great font! But the letter "s" is not the same as in the illustration. I think the "s" in the illustration would look even better :-)
marty666  30/11/2010
Oink! that's ligatures, your software should support opentype features to be able to reproduce this "s".
By the way it's one of the best fonts you could get for free on dafont, one of my faves with fonts like Yanone Kaffeesatz. Great quality. Really nice (and probably looong) work !
Thanks for making it a DonationWare. Don't know what to do with it yet, but i'll probably use it one day.
annaOMline  30/11/2010
High qualily font! even with ligatures! thanks a lot!
Gyom Séguin  30/11/2010
I agree with daaams, one of the best font here! Really beautiful work Pablo!
Paulhill254  02/12/2010
very good
PabloImpallari  autore di Lobster   14/12/2010
@Oink: Yep, as daaams said, those are the ligatures.
@daams: Thank for your kind words!
@annaOMile: Thank you!
@Gyom Séguin: Thank Gyom!
@Paulhill245: Thanks!
Resuwen  18/12/2010
Amazing font! Really appreciate the work you put in the ligatures...
Keep it up!
fontfan  20/12/2010
Excellent font, I love the ligatures!!
Could you create a ligature for tz as well, please?
And - if it is not too complicated a Fü ligature... ;-)

frankfrank  21/12/2010
Nothing but stunning..
iddaa  30/12/2010
thanks good job
andymartin  04/01/2011
Nice to see Lobster around as always Pablo, especially seeing how it developed. Keep up the great work
Zoodead  13/01/2011
The BEST!!!
Pi Luo  14/01/2011
One of the best fonts on the site added by a user. If all free fonts were this good I would be living in heaven.
X-Gaming  05/04/2012
wut gradient is this like wut color
Flavia Rox  04/09/2012
Hello (:
I like to ask if I can use this font on a logo without any problem. Well I give the credits and all, its a free font, but, it can be used for comercial purpose?

Congradulations because you have here a truly great work!!

Flavia Rox  04/09/2012
Hello (:
I like to ask if I can use this font on a logo without any problem. Well I give the credits and all, its a free font, but, it can be used for comercial purpose?

Congradulations because you have here a truly great work!!

Flavia Rox  04/09/2012
eheh I mess a "t" upstairs. I have to start looking for the keyboard xD
PabloImpallari  autore di Lobster   06/09/2012
Yes Flavia, you can.
metaphasebrothel  01/12/2012
I got my only point in the Font Identification forum for Lobster. I hope [i]Sportsnet[/i] Magazine made a donation, because they use it constantly.

When is the new version coming out, with the cuneiform and Linear B glyphs?
Psychotic™  06/12/2012
@ Pablo...One very nice looking font!!
WilliamYenWen  28/01/2013
Excuse me Sir Pablo, =D

There is something I want to ask. Do you mind if I use this font as a logotype for my graphic design agency? I've been searching for some similar fonts for some inspirations, but I find that yours is the best and it's already "fit everything". Of course, I will put the name of the font, credits, on every media I use.

Thank you very much :)


One of the best font I've ever seen *bow*
myraa  27/04/2013
wow, super!
arbocaro  09/05/2013
Super travail! Bravo.
In France many covers use your font.
PabloImpallari  autore di Lobster   23/05/2013
Wow!!! That's awesome!!
DaFontatron  06/10/2013
Dude a lot of people use your font! They put out a commercial on TV that has your font. Here you can watch it on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBbqjT_GiiI From time to time I'll list the people that have your font. :)

Here is a few:
Romanatwood: http://www.youtube.com/user/RomanAtwood/videos
SoulPancake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTyXkrxZ8j4 (At the end of the video)
HUF: http://www.ahoodie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/huf-summer-2013-delivery-1-ahoodie-15.jpg

You should be proud of yourself. :)
PabloImpallari  autore di Lobster   08/10/2013
Thanks DaFontatron! Always grat to see the fonts in use :)
DaFontatron  02/11/2013
WOW Check out the movie Bad Grandpa and they are using your font. You can find the font in the movie when the old man is looking at a magazine with a girl and below it is your font. haha
PabloImpallari  autore di Lobster   09/11/2013
Thanks! Will look for it :)
Aigo  29/11/2013
I would like to know if I can use your great front for my coaching Homepage? Please E-mail me at fettrick@web.de

greetz from Germany
PabloImpallari  autore di Lobster   05/12/2013
Yes, you can
funkykong19  16/12/2013
Thanks so much for a such a great font. Thanks.
rz28  07/01/2014
This is such a beautiful font! And it is so popular wow! I see that it says public domain and that you told a previous user they could use it for commercial use- just wanted to make sure that that is still correct- can we use it for free for commercial use (on products that will be resold)? Thanks!
PabloImpallari  autore di Lobster   07/01/2014
Yes, no problem.
If you want to make a donation, you can do so at www.impallari.com/lobster

sweetbrooklyn417  24/02/2014
Pablo I am using this font in a quilt. Can I put your website information on the pattern? Also your website is showing the smallest us dollar donation to be $5,000. It comes up in paypal to be only $5.00 but some people might be refraining from donation because of the amount.
nellievance  02/04/2014
Great font! One problem I am having, though, is with the flourish on the capital L and a lowercase F in the word "Lifetime". They smash together, so I can't use the font for a design like I'd hoped.
Belezabylila  09/05/2014
Pablo, absolutely lovely font. I'm glad to see its open for commercial use because the designer for my website used it and I'm been trying to track down the font for a while now. Fantastic! I definitely plan on donating soon. :)
alextby  12/12/2014
Really good font
fitz  04/03/2015
thank you
Lily Fash  10/03/2015
Hello Pablo,

This font is wonderful!
I have a lifestyle and food blog, and I'd love to be able to use your font on my blog, but since I will have ads, I guess it counts as commercial use.
May I use your font?

Thank you for your answer
PabloImpallari  autore di Lobster   22/03/2015
Lily, Yes, no problem.
If you want to make a donation, you can do so at www.impallari.com/lobster

Georgiaburnside  06/07/2015
This is so beautiful! I'm doing a poster promotional project for a radio and would like to double check it is free to use, thanks, Georgia
ngedigk  29/09/2015

wonderful font. love it very much.
may i use it for free for commercial use (on products that will be resold). i want to use it for a car wrapping layout at a clients van.

kind regards, ngedigk
gemitah  07/11/2015

Can I use the font for a shirt design? It's for a contest. Of course I will provide credits. Thanks in advance! It's a lovely font.
boy.obeiy21  23/11/2015
Mr. Pablo,
can I use your font for my product ?
Thanks, Casro'i.
DarkMobson  15/12/2015
Hello Mr Pablo Impallari,

We are interested in the commercial use of your Font: Lobster 1.4.

Please Specify a price.
erika_newdes  11/05/2016
may I use for free this font for commercial use? I would like to use it for a open-close sign for an ice cream shop.
PabloImpallari  autore di Lobster   20/05/2016
Yes, you can use the font for commercial projects.
If you want to make a donation, you can do so at www.impallari.com/lobster

Karamels  26/06/2016
Hello, I can use it for my page ?
hyw  02/07/2016
Hi Pablo. I tried to make a donation at impallari.com/lobster and rec'd error. can you please check to make sure paypal is working ok on your site. would love to donate!
PabloImpallari  autore di Lobster   10/07/2016
Seems to be working now, please try again. Thanks!
Dacowboys  19/05/2017
Hi Pablo,

I love this lobster font. May i use it for commercial purposes on tshirts?
Thank u so much
btoppe21  26/05/2017
Hi there Pablo! I tried e-mailing you, but no response yet.

I was wondering if you're okay with me using the 'Lobster' font for a potential movie poster design. It's not for a big wig movie company or anything like that, but I'd like to use it for advertising the movie. Is there anything I need to sign or is there a donation or something I can make? I want to respect your work and copyright.

Thank you for your time.

katezoe  05/10/2017
hi Pablo! your work is so awesome. i would like to use the font in my logotype and I want to ask for permission:)

thank you for your answer
rohmat trimanto  25/10/2017
Hi there Pablo! I want to use your "lobster" in my food product label design, do I have to pay or your work is free to use. thank you
ComNotch  15/07/2018
Hi Pablo,

we would like to use your font for our animal products and accessories. Can we use your font "Lobster 1.4" for commercial use?

Thank you for your answer.

Best Regards,
Utente cancellato 1075383  31/07/2018
Hello! I like your font so much that I want to use your font in my logo design for a client.
Please tell me in detail by email if I can use your font for my logo design or if there are any conditions to use :)
My email is httk2001@naver.com
Thank you!
Ahmadsmobal  26/01/2020
Can i use this font for commercial use without any problem?
Marnoem  11/03/2020
Buen día
Me gustaría saber si la fuente LOBSTER es gratuita para uso comercial y personal, o hay que pagar por ella.
Me gustaría usarla para un proyecto académico.
Por favor escríbame al correo electrónico: marianelayaguapaz2@gmail.com o se puede poner en contacto por este medio.
Marianela Yaguapaz
LobsterHater  24/07/2020
I Absolutely despise this font, it is the only font anyone uses, also it is only useful for things related to lobster, and it is not fun to look at, I hate IT i hope it burns down with the library of Alexandria, but i do appreciate your time and effort
PabloImpallari  autore di Lobster   29/08/2020
jajajahahahaha :)
eni1342  03/11/2020
Hello ,

your typeface is really very well done I would like to use it for commercial use, how can I do ?

thank you
moo_  05/11/2020
Hello there! Your font is awesome! May I use it as commercial use? If you are agree with that, let me know through e-mail! moccaroons@gmail.com
Hi, i would like to use this font on mugs to sell. Please let me know if there are any conditions on ManaloSistersBoutique@gmail.com

Esp  09/05/2021
Can I have permission to use on personalised gifts. Thanks
Maher97  31/05/2021
may I use for free this font for commercial use?
Maher97  01/06/2021
may I use for free this font for commercial use?
CheetoCurry  04/06/2022
Hey I Love Your Font!! I Was Wondering If I Can Use Your Lobster 1 And 2 Font For My Clothing Brand??

Plz Text Me Back Information On My Question
kamdesign  29/09/2022
Bonjour, j'adore votre typo !
Puis-je l'utiliser à usage commercial ?

ysmau7717  01/03/2023
Hi, Lobster font is it a free font for commercial use? if not then what is the charges and the terms of usage. Thanks


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