LCD / LCD Mono

Anteprima personalizzata
in Techno > LCD
 636.990 scaricati (27 ieri)   100% Gratis - 16 file dei caratteri

6 commenti

EmmaC  19/12/2016
Hello Samuel,
I work in the post production of a television series. Our graphic artist has found your fonts LCD/LCD Mono and would like to use them in his graphics. Our broadcaster requires us to obtain a signed agreement for us to be able to use fonts. The series will be airing on an online streaming platform.
I was wondering if you could please send me an email so that I could forward you a release form to sign that would allow us to use the font?
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
redziller  14/02/2017
I bet you do! I do believe this is used in 24:Legacy!
Cjcas  31/01/2020
Hi Samuel,

I'm new to the copyright laws but have read through the licence agreement and still have a few questions. I'm currently a hobbyist developer and creating a small app for distribution on the App store for $1.49. I'm wanting to use your LCD font for the main user interface. Would I still need to seek your permission to use and/or is there a fee required.

If you would like to discuss privately my email address is -

Regards Chris
ian_cho  08/06/2020
Hello Samuel,
I would like to use this font for a commercial project.
Could you please let me know how I can get a commercial license via my email
OliviaPrenel  26/10/2022
Hello Samuel,
I'm an independent French graphic designer and I would like to know if I can have an agreement fo be able to use your font for a lyric video. The band is Modjo, and the title of the song is "What I Mean".
Could you please let me know how I can get a commercial license via my email
Kind regards,
LeDreamer  23/05/2024
Hello Samuel,

I'm a French graphic designer and I'm launching my online clothing store. I'd like to use your typography in one of my designs. Could you please let me know how I can get a commercial license via my email

Best regards,

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