James Fajardo
150 commenti
great font :) i luv it! and i luv it even more cause Fajardo is my last name :P so i feel strangely related to it lol... thanks 4 share
I am a graphic designer in France and I test your police "James Fajardo" for a book on the sea. Would you agree that we use your policy if it was chosen?
Call me answer
Benjamin babron
(Sorry for my bad English!)
I'm a a graphic designer in Australia and I would like to use this font in a logo design. Would you agree to this should the design be approved by the client?
You can contact me at
Thank you!
Dear Sir,
I am a graphic designer working in Switzerland and would very much like to use your font for a pay-off. The client too likes it. Please let me know if you agree.
My address is:
Thank you and regards.
Hello. My name is Emmanuelle, I’m French, and I excuse me for my bad English. I'm a second year student at the School of Beaux- Arts of REUNION.
I work on the portrait and typography in video, and typography james fajardo, interests me a lot. I describe this typography as if it were a person, And I would like to have your opinion. And I would like you to answer a few questions if you wish.
How do you describe your typography? Could you describe it as if it were a person. How did you conduct this typography in your name? Your approach?
And if you want,can you describe you? Your character and your personality?
It's for a work and only for that.I produce a portrait of typography JAMES FAJARDO for a video for a school (an exercise), and if you want to let me also make your portrait, to the connection between the creation and designer. I would like to have your opinion about your creation, your typography.How you can describe it?
PS: It's possible you answer me, if you are agree or not to help me in my work, please.
And if you have agree, I can give you more information about my work if you want.
You can contact me at:
Think you very much
I'm a a graphic designer in Manchester, England and I would like to use this font in a logo design. Would this be ok ? The client has not yet seen the design, so if you could let me know if this is possible,
You can contact me at
Kindest Regards,
I'm a graphic designer in Istanbul (Turkey) and would like to use your font in a logo design. I would like to know if your agree.
You can contact me at
Thanks a lot !
hi james, my name is fonseca ava, i really like your font, it look so classy, simple but classy. anyway i would like to ask for your permission if i could use your font as a logo, i've been searching the site till i found your font, i thought it is the perfect font for what i am about to do.i am a new graphic designer here in the philippines. THANKS YOU SO MUCH
il be waiting for your reply
kindly contact me at
Again Gracias
Ava =)
I am a graphic designer in Paris and I would like use your font in a logo. My costumer would like too. So, do you agree if I will use it ?
Thanks for your answer :
First of all, thanks for the great font you have created, it is simply perfect for what i need. I'm a graphic designer based in France i would be very thankful if you could let me use your font. You can contact me here '
hope to hear you soon
Like many others who have commented I really like this font and would like to use it for a project. Can I have your permission to use it? Thanks.
Hi, I'm a graphic designer in Australia. Just wondering if I can use your font in a logo?
Hope to hear from you soon,
Cheers, kate
katejoyce00@gmail.comI too am a graphic designer in Australia, and I love this font to bits! Can I please use this font in a logo?
thickblackoutline at gmail.com
thanks JPF! Would love to see more designs
Hey there James, very tidy work indeed chief! would love to be able to use this a part of a branding project, with your permission of course. If you could possibly email me at
matt@fuelcreativedesign.com to let me know that would be awesome. Cheers bloke! Keep up the great work!
Hi, I'm a advertising student in Spain but I'm working for a bookshop and I need your font for the logo. Do you mind if I use your James Fajardo? I hope not, anyway I'm waiting for your answer in my e-mail adress
Hi there! Would you mind if I use your font in a logo I'm designing? Hope to hear from you soon :D
vybloz13th@yahoo.comWow...popular font. Like the rest of the masses, I'd like to use your font for a logo design. Could you contact me at jonathan.berkeley.king[AT]gmail[DOT]com and let me know if that's ok?
(I'm paranoid about spam, so I hope that address is intelligible)
Hi james,
I'm a graphic designer based in US and would like to know if I could use James Fajardo font for a logo, please e-mail me at
mattibolouri@yahoo.com and let me know.
Hi James,
I'm a musician looking to build a website, and I was wondering if I could have your permission to use your great font on it. Please email me at
gazzi5@hotmail.com and let me know! I'd really appreciate it :)
Can i use this font for a new restaurant publicity? Please let me know, my email is
stemido@gmail.com. Thank you!
great font!:)
I am graphic designer and
I would like to use it for a logo,
please e mail me at
I'm currently working on a project and was hoping to use your font for the strapline which forms part of the logo.
Your font has a lovely free feel that compliments the other elements within the device. Please let me know, my email is
Many thanks.
I'm a graphic designer in Bangkok, Thailand
I would like to use this font in our company logo. Would this be ok ? if yes please contact me at
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you!
This font is beautiful. I am a graphic designer in the USA.
I would like to use this font in logo design and branding of graphic design work. Please let me know if this would be okay. Thank you! email:
ewestray@yahoo.comHello, what a beautiful font.
I would like to use it for a logo.
Would this be okay?
Please contact me at:
gwahalin@hotmail.comThis is an amazing font!
I'd like to use this font in a logo. Please e-mail as soon as possible and let me know if it would be okay.
zack.gort@gmail.comHi james,
Amazing font!!!
I'm a graphic designer based in Israel and would like to know if I could use James Fajardo font for a logo, please e-mail me at
limorke@yahoo.com and let me know.
I would like to use this font in my website. Is it possible? Please let me know.
my email is nitzanhallel <at> gmail.com. Thank you!
hi! i really love the font that you made and i actually saw this used in a very famous mall here in the philippines.:) i knew that it was this font from the moment i saw it! Kudos to you! and i hope to see more creations from you.:)
inlovewithjazz@yahoo.comAdore this font. Would you be happy for me to use this for a series of learning book covers should the client ok the designs?
many thanks
logginsam@btinternet.comHi there, very good work! I would like to use your font for a logo / website design. Thanks very much and best regards. unisonproductions[AT]gmail.com
Hi, another designer bothering you with the question if it is allowed to use the font for a logo? Would be glad! Waiting for your response with greetings from Germany, ClaudiaZa (Zantopp<at>die-designwerkstatt.de)!
Hi James,
I am a graphic designer in Chile and I would like use your font in a logo. My client would like too. So, do you agree if I will use it ?
Thank you!!!
HI, thank you for your Font very good job, i am a designer and would like to use your font for logo, with some small changes, is it ok? need your permission. Thank you.
(it is logo for photographer name). tamarush<at>gmail<dot>com
Hey, Would it be ok to use this font in a logo for a production company me and a friend are setting up.
thank you
I don't know you're name, but thank you for designing this beautiful font.
My name is Jess, and i am a second year graphic design student based in BC Canada.
After stumbling upon James Fajardo, I was seeking permission to incorporate it into the design of a website for a local pub.
However I followed a link above, and purchased it a fee that granted me the publication/licensing rights.
I just wanted to say thank you :)
I'm a graphic designer in Poland and I would like to use this font in a logo design. Would you agree?
You can contact me at
Thank you in advance
Best Regards
I am a website designer and love your font James Fajardo. Would you be happy for me to use this font on a small warehousing website?
I'm a a graphic designer and I would like to use this font in a logo design. Would you agree to this should the design be approved by the client?
You can contact me at
Thank you!
I am currently designing a recipe book and your font works very well for main headings. Would you be happy for me to use the font for this purpose if the client approves this design.
My email is
J'adore votre police mais j'ai un problème pour avoir les accents que nous utilisons en français : "é,è,ê,à". Y a-t-il une fonction pour les avoir ? Je vous remercie par avance.
Sandrine sandrine_lf[@]yahoo.fr
So, I'm sorry for my bad english. I m' searching how I could find some accents in our french language "é,è, ê,à" Could you help me please ? I thank so much. Bye. Sandrine
Would be grateful if I could use your font for my logo, if you have any problems with me doing this, please let me know at
nikhiladhia@hotmail.com, otherwise I will consider there to be no problems if I do not hear from you by 22nd June 2010.
Thanks and great work!
I'm a graphic designer in France and I want use this police for a logo for a personal usage in a personal website. It's possible ?
Answer me at
Best regard
Hello Mr. Fajardo. I just recently found your font and I must say, "You did a fine job with this one." I am planning on using it for a small online banner if you do not mind. If you do Not want me to use this for small-scale commercial purposes (you had no license aggreement that I found), please email me at
markting@aantv.com and I will not use the font. If not, thank you and have a great week.
I am a graphic designer and I would like to use your font for a logo. Please respond to my email:
fiona@tilo.com.au to let me know if this is possible.
Kind regards,
I'm a graphic designer in Sud of France and I want use this font for a wine label. It's possible ?
Answer me at
thank you very much
Best regard
Maxime Mistral
PS :
there is a possibility to buy a commercial license for that cool font. its only 9$
I'm a a graphic designer in England and I would like to use this font in a logo design.
Would you agree to this should the design be approved by the client?
You can contact me at
Thank you very much!
Alex Holloway
Hi - great font. I am an amateur songwriter and wish to feature my songs. Can I use this font for the main header and the section headings?
john@johnsammers.comHello there,
i was just wondering if it would be possible to buy commercial rights for this font.
Could you please get in touch with me at
I would like to use this font for a promotional graphics competition please email me at
npurcell@ggc.eduHi,I am a graphic designer from India and i would like to use this font in a logo
you can contact me at
funn.gfx@hotmail.com to let me know if this is possible.
Hi I am a graphic designer in England. I would like to use your font on a CD cover, small print run of approx 4,000 cds. Can you email me at
ancroft@gmail.com and let me know if this is okay?
Best, A
This font is not the same as the "James Paul" font sold for $9 at MyFonts.
Many characters are significantly different. I would describe the overall quality of the dafont "James Fajardo" font as more loose, organic and natural, while the "James Paul" MyFonts version is more tight, unvarying and regular. Besides the ambiguously free license, the only downside to the dafont "Fajardo" version is the lack of a full set of characters, which are included in the Myfonts "James Paul" version.
Both certainly have their applications, but sadly, the MyFonts "James Paul" version is not a suitable replacement for my purposes. Inspect the "James Paul" version carefully as my cursory glance only spotted a problematic lowercase "j" . There may be other differences that throw your design off if you assume this is identical to the one at MyFonts.
Just a word of warning.
I am an Australian photographer and would like to know if I can use your font as my signature. It's a great font.
You can contact me at:
Thank you very much!
I am a graphic designer in Redding, CA and I would love to use this font for a logo. Please let me know what you think. It is for a musical instrument related business.
dan.langenberg@gmail.comHi James,
Love this font. Would it be ok to use it for some headings on my portfolio site (yet to be finished and uploaded).
Thanks for your time,
mkstix6@gmail.comHi james,
I'm a graphic designer based in cincinnati, OH and would like to know if I could use James Fajardo font for a logo, please e-mail me at
aus10brooks@gmail.com and let me know.
I'm a graphic designer from Indonesia and would like to use your font in a logo design. I would like to know if your agree.
You can contact me at
Thanks a lot !
I'm a graphic designer from Indonesia and would like to use your font in a logo design. I would like to know if your agree.
You can contact me at
Thanks a lot !
it is macho style good font. thank you.
please e-mail me at
songtaeil@gmail.com if it is not free
Love this font, it is a really great design. Please email me
maebh.costello@avego.com if it is not free to use for commercial use.
Hey mr. Fajardo,
great font! I'd like to use it for a Logo-Design. Please email me
Daniel@Artistic-raphics.de if it is not free to use for commercial use.
Thank you and huge respect!
I'd like to obtain a commercial license for this font. Can you contact me if one is available? Thank you.
Dear Sir,
I am a French student in web communication and I'm creating a website for a client. I would like to use the font “James Fajardo” in the logo design. My client likes it so much. Please let me know if you agree.
My address is :
Thank you. Best regards.
I'm an English web design student and I'd like to use your font for a logo for a client. is this ok?
let me know at
joedmitchell@googlemail.com Thanks
Hi James,
I'm a designer based in London and would like to use this font (James Fajardo) in a logo design. Would this be ok? Please let me know.
Please do contact me at
I'm a Student graphic designer, and would like to know if I could use your font in my logo for my own business. Please let me know
I am agree with N···E···T, 05-16-2011
The font is different from James Paul version sold on website MyFonts.com. You can see it from "J", "M" and "a" are little bit different.
My question is this version is quitely free licenced or not? free licenced I meant "free of everything" including request permission, purchase etc.
Just like others 'standard' font
I am a graphic designer in Hong Kong and I would like use your font in a logo. My costumer would like too. Please do let me know if you.
Thanks for your answer :
I am a graphic designer from Berlin, was wondering of I can use this font for a bio food company logo?
Thanks in advance !
A client of mine would like to use this font as his logo. Please send us any licensing information or get in contact with me at my email:
I'm a a graphic designer in France and I would like to use this font in a logo design. Would you agree to this should the design be approved by the client?
You can contact me at
Thank you and great job!
Awesome font! Can I use it in a logo for a family member's business? Pls contact me at
I'm a a graphic designer in Kent, England and I would like to use this font in a logo design or commercial use. Would this be ok ? so if you could let me know if this is possible,
You can contact me at
Kindest Regards,
i´m a a graphic designer from Munich, Germany.
I would like to use this font in a calendar cover for commercial use.
Would this be ok ?
Thanks for your answer:
Hello great font!
Im a graphic designer in Australia, wanting to use this font on some government branding if the client goes with this particular concept. Would this be okay? Would love to hear back soon if at all possible. My email is
thanks so much
I love this font, and think it would look great in the header/logo for my blog. Is it ok to use the font for this purpose? Please, let me know at
Hi James,
could you tell me what the licensing policy is for this font?
Contact me at
Look forward to hearing from you,
Stephanie Jennings
I'm a graphic designer in Germany and would like to use your font in a logo design. I would like to know if it's ok.
You can contact me at
Kind regards,
Hi James,
Want to use your font as a tagline for our logo.
Is this OK for you ?
Please let us know,
Thanks !
Hi James,
I'll really love to use this font part as a Logo for company use. Would like to check if it was okay, and if there is a license which I can purchase for such use. Thank you!
I'm a a graphic designer in Stockholm, Sweden and I would like to use this font in a logo. Would this be ok?
You can contact me at
Kind regards,
Dear James,
We are a international fashion brand from The Netherlands and we would like to use your font for one of our women's tees.
Can you please confirm if you approve. You can reply to
Many thanks and we hope hope to hear from you soon :)
Best regards,
I'm a graphic designer in Miami, USA an i would like to use this font in part of a logo.
Would this be ok?
contact me at
I am designing an ad for a friend and would love to use your font for a phrase in the ad.
I would like your permission to do so? Please send me an email at
Thanks So Much
Dear James,
We are a fashion brand from Toronto and we would like to use your font for our logo.
Can you please confirm if you approve. You can reply to
Many thanks and we hope hope to hear from you soon :)
Best regards,
I'm a graphic designer in Rome,Italy. Could I use your font in a logo? :-) if is this possibile, please, contact me at
thanks :-)
I am an student from Germany
I would like to use your font for the title of an e-book (on the cover).
If this is possible, please contact me at
Thanks :)
I like this font, can I use it for Projects that I'm selling? (Commercial Projects) :)
please contact me
I'm a graphic designer from Australia and would like to use your font in a logo design. I would like to know if this is ok.
You can contact me at
Kind regards,
I realy love your font.
I would like to use it in my logo. Is this okay?
You can contact me at
I'd like to hear from you.
Kind regards,
Hello James
I am a newly established graphic designer from Australia and i would like to use your font in my own business logo.
I would like to know if this is okay. contact me at
lorenzom3d@gmail.comHi James,
I'm a german graphic designer and would like to use your font in a logo design. Please let me know if that's okay (
marie-christin.foland@gmx.de). I hope to hear from you soon :)
Best regards,
Hi there, Love your font. My wife and I are starting a small business and would like to use your font for our logo to go on the website. Please can you let me know if this is ok.
please let me know
Kind regards, Lee
I also love your font as well - May I use it on a t-shirt design? Hope to hear from you soon, and thank you!
my email:
decembercherries@yahoo.comHi, my name is Mary and I would like to ask for your permission to use this wonderful font in a logo design.
Please let me know whether that is OK.
My mail is
Best regards,
really nice font,
Iam barry from China,i want to use this font for a design,and it's for business. so will it be ok?
Would love to hear back soon if at all possible.
thank u
my email:
Hi, my name is Jesse and I would like to ask for your permission to use this lovely font for a book cover design.
Please let me know whether that is OK.
My mail is
Best regards,
Great job on this font. I'd like to use it for CTA's on a commercial website I'm working on.
If that's OK, please let me know -
boristz@yahoo.comHello, my name is Lisa and I’m a member of a german pupil's magazine. It’s my exercise to make the layout of the magazine. Your font wich I found on ‚dafont.com‘ has the perfect style for our little unprofessional pupil’s magazine. With this comment I want to ask about the use of your font in commercial. Please give me an answer! -
Kind regards,
Hi! I'm Althier, a graphic artist from the Philippines. I want to use this font for a book cover design. Please let me know if it's okay. Thanks! Reach me at
Hi, my name is David, and I just recently installed this font. The quotation marks and apostraphes will not appear in Microsoft Word. They take up space, but they can't be seen, as if the text is white. Is there any way to fix this? If so, please contact me at
davidliu323@gmail.comHi, I'm Sabine. I would like to use your font in a logo design. Is this ok with you?
My email is: lunadeaze<at>hotmail.com
Thank you in advance.
Hello, I am a graphic designer based in leicester, UK. I want to ask if I may use your font for a newsletter project please? My contact email is
Kind Regards
Hi !
We would like to use your character fonts to illustrate an audiovisual project in an academic context. These fonts will be used in the opening and closing credits and on the DVD cover of our project, which is a documentary entitled "Livres Maudit / Episode 1 : Voynich". It’s purpose is to present the film school and It’s different classes.
There will be no commercial use of the finished product whatsoever.
The video will be broadcast on the Youtube channel of the lycée Suger. Your name will appear in the endcredit.
We must be extremely grateful if you coulds grands that permission free of charge, as it in a school project.
We thank you very much in advance,
Hello—we would like to use your this font for a book cover. How can we purchase? My contact is
thank you!
Thanks for creating this great font! It is perfect for what i need. I'm a graphic designer based in Vienna i would be very thankful if I could l use your font. I would like to use it for a few slogans on my Landing page. Please let me know if you would be ok with it and how I should licence it. You can contact me at '
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards
Hi James, I really like your font and would like to use it as my logo. Please let me know if this is possible on
Thank you! Nina
Utente cancellato 857652 23/06/2015
Hello James,
we are a young band from Germany and we are looking for a font for our logo design. Yours would be perfect! Would it be all right if we use it?
You can contact us with the following mail address:
Kind regards
Hannah & Julius / Just two
Hello James,
I'm the director of Livr'S Editions, a belgian publishing house and I would like to use your font for the title of a book I'll edit in February 2016.
You can contact me at
Kinds regards
Emilie Ansciaux
Hello James,
I'm a Graphic Designer,also comic writter.
Thanks for creating this amazing font, i would like to use your font to some logo and title of my comic. Would it be all right?
ah, you can contact me at
thanks you,
Hi James!
I love your font and would like to find out more about your commercial licenses.
You can e-mail me at:
Thank you!
I would like to use this font for a logo's design. Please, can you let me know what the commercial usage rights and permissions/conditions are for this font? Please contact me at:
Thank you!!!
Hi, i would like to use this font on some mugs I am printing, please can you let me know if this is ok and what the commercial usuage T&Cs are please? Thank you. My email is
lorri17@gmail.comI would like to use this font on my website and on print materials. Is there a commercial license available for this font?
I believe an email was sent to my yahoo account. I can't open the attachment. Please send to:
naftali@comcast.net Thank you!
hello, I am a volunteer for a nonprofit organization of fair trade. We have created some crackers that we would like to sell to support us. We can use your font for the name of the product?
My mail is:
Thank you very much.
Hello, I am a graphic designer based in germany. I want to ask if I may use your font for a Logo and Flyer please? My contact email is
Thank You
Hi, I am a graphic designer in Australia.
I would like to use you font in a magazine which is published in Australia.
Please let me know commercial usage rights and permissions/conditions for this font.
It is the best script font I have seen and I would love to use it
Regards Jane
Hello! I'm a graphic designer. I would like to use this font for a logo's design. Please, can you let me know what the commercial usage rights and permissions/conditions are for this font? Please contact me at
dimescreativeco@gmail.comHi, I would like to use your font for logo and on some products such as mugs, T-shirt, Tote bags, etc. Can you please let me know what is the commercial usage rights and permissions/conditions are for this font? Please contact me at
lalasetdesign@gmail.com Thank You!
Love this font! Well done!
I'm a a graphic designer in Australia and I would like to use this font in a logo design.
Would you agree to this should the design be approved by the client?
You can contact me at
Thank you very much!
Hi, we are a french small startup, and we would like to use your fond for our logo. Could you let me kwon the permissions/conditions for a commercial use?
Thanks a lot!
Hi. I'm a graphic designer in Rome. I would like to use this font for a logo's design. Please, can you let me know what the commercial usage rights and permissions/conditions are for this font? Please contact me at
Hello ! I'm a french graphic designer, i'd like to use your font for a logo. Please let me know if it's okay...
My contact :
Thank you very much !
Hello, Im graphic designer from indonesia
Could I use your font and edit in a logo for commercial usage? if is this possibile, please, contact me at
pratomo.susilo@gmail.com thank you ^^
Hello, I am a Graphic Designer from Australia.
I would like to use your font in a logo design.
Please let me know if this is
thank you
Hello, I am a graphic designer from Ireland and I would like to use this font as part of a logo design. Can you let me know if this is okay?
thank you
Hello James
I am a graphic designer from germany and I would like to use this font as part of logos and homepage designs.
Please tell me, if it's allowed to use.
Please give me your Agreement by mail:
Thank you, Nik
Hello James,
I'm a filmmaker from Canada, may I please use this font for a lyric video I am doing for a friend of mind?
If so, please contact me by email -
dariocaraccii@gmail.com as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Hello James,
I am an amateur photographer. I like to use your font for my pictures. Would that be possible?
If so, please let me know by email:
Hi James!
I'm a new graphic designer based in Virginia, and I was hoping to use this font in a logo I was working on. Please let me know at
mattvr5276@gmail.com if that is alright!
Thank you so much for all your help!
Hi, I would like to use this font for cd art.
I like this font very much. Please email me at
brezovacboris@yahoo.comHi, I'm from Italy. I'm asking whether I can use this font in a logo.
I also want to know whether I can use this font for a label and, packaging and fisical Adv prodocts, like catalogues and flyers. Please, reply me at
Thank you in adavance.
Hi James,
Iam new established graphic design from Indonesia, I want to use your font as a tagline for our logo.
Is this OK for you ?
Please let us know,
Thanks !
Hi James,
I would love to use your lovely font as a part of a logo and branding. Is there a commercial license? Hope to hear from you! Thanks :)
- Marie
Hi James,
I'm a french graphic designer and would like to use your font in a logo design. Please let me know if that's okay (
rozieres.camille@gmail.com). I hope to hear from you soon :)
Best regards,
Hi James,
I´m from Germany and would like to use your font in a logo design. Please let me know if this is okay. (
malzwerg79@gmail.com) Hope to hear from you soon :)
Thank you,
Hello, I am interested in using this font in a book that most likely may never reach print, but I want to know if you can send your copyright policy. Is there a commercial licenses use? Please let me know.
beahufman@gmail.comAccedi per aggiungere un commento.