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79 commenti

harrishcl  28/09/2006
can i use this for commercial use Guy Buhry
sikodiroll  03/04/2007
Je souhaiterai également utiliser cette police pour un usage commercial, puis-je ? Merci
avasington  08/05/2007
I would like to use this font for a non-profit. May I?
kimforsyth  29/08/2007
Can I use your font commercially? Please can you respond ASAP.
charlie19761976  24/04/2008
Good evening Guy,
WOW - what a fantastic font!
I am a sole trader (so this is a request to use your font commercially) and would love to use your font for the title page of handbooks I am producing (very very small scale). I would of course list your name and give you full credit on the appropriate page.
Will keep my fingers crossed.
Very best regards
Arnauld  11/08/2008
Bonjour Mr Buhry,

Je souhaiterais acheter la licence de la font "GROBOLD"

Pourriez-vous me dire quel est son prix?

D'avance Merci

sabrinasit  21/01/2009
Hi Buhry,

Great work with this font :)
I need to contact you or to obtain information about the lincense to use the font commercially. But couldn't find any contact information but this forum.

Hoping you reply,

Thank you.
GeeElle  11/02/2009
Hello Guy Buhry,

I really enjoy your font and would love to use it for commercial purposes. Is it possible to get some information about licensing this font to my small business? Feel free to contact me about any questions you might have as well. Thanks very much!
lauralop  28/07/2009
Beautiful Typo
Can I use your font commercially?
Many thanks!
babyloydd  07/11/2009
I like your font and would love to use it for commercial purposes. Is it possible for me to use this font. i am starting a small business? what would i need to do to be able to use this . Thanks very much!
GO-N Prod  24/11/2009

Nous sommes une société de production de dessins animés. Nous aimons beaucoup votre police « Grobold ». Nous souhaiterions savoir s’il serait possible de l’utiliser pour le générique de début d’une série que nous sommes en train de produire et, dans ce cas, quelles seraient vos conditions.

Merci d’avance pour votre réponse.

Bien cordialement,

Emmanuel de Franceschi
lisa88lee  30/11/2009
Hello Guy Buhry,

Beautiful font. May I use this font for commercial purpose? Let me know how much you will charge. Thank you.
edmx  14/12/2009
Hi Buhry, I like your font a lot. Can I use for commercial purpouse?
What souhld I do.
Thank you.
Etac14  08/02/2010
Very cool font.
Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   04/03/2010
Devant le flux de demandes, j'ai créé une version plus complète et commerciale du Grobold, merci de me contacter si elle vous intéresse.

Before the flow of requests, I created a more complete and commercial version of Grobold, thank you contact me if you want.

Merci à tous ;-)
Thank you all ;-)
anakin450  29/05/2010
It's A very nice font! You should make more fonts!
Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   31/05/2010
Thanks a lot Anakin450 ;-) I'm on a new one! Arriving soon!
dknell  17/09/2010
I'm having a problem installing this on a Mac running OS X 10.6.4. Basically, I can't see any text that I've typed when this font is selected. The preview in Font Book also doesn't show up. Any ideas???

Here are some screenshots of the problem:
ReD CoDe  19/09/2010
Very Good

Nice Font
Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   20/09/2010
Merci à dknell d'avoir signalé ce problème et un grand merci à Rodolphe d'avoir corrigé la fonte !

Thank you to dknell for reporting this problem and a big thank you to Rodolphe for having corrected the font !
meamme  26/09/2010
Wow this font is great, i can see so many places where it could fit in xD
Dragon200  03/10/2010
Very rare. Like it.
Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   21/10/2010
Thanks all ;-)
plouf  05/11/2010
pourriez vous me dire quel prix pour la typo complete de Grobold en V° prof. j'ai fait des cartes pour moi avec et ca bugggg dans indesign ! je la reteste dans photoshop et Illustrator et pas de probleme ? est ce un pbm connu ? ya til une solution ? merci pour vos réponses !
Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   15/12/2010
Bonjour Plouf, :)
Il semble qu'il y ait eu un petit bug avec la première version du Grobold, elle ne s'affichait pas correctement dans le livre des polices. Le bug a été corrigé et la police remplacée.

J'utilise la version pro sur mon Mac OS X 10.6.5 avec Indesign sans problème. Quel genre de bug avez-vous eu ?
J'utilisais la version identique à celle présente sur Dafont sur OS X 10.4 sans problème non plus, mais je n'utilisais que rarement Indesign dessus.

Je vous réponds en privé pour la version Pro.

Bien cordialement _______________ Guy Buhry.
nada bizri  18/02/2011
hello I was wondering if I could use Grobold for my new kids and teens bedding website? I think that Grobold has the best personality for the job. Please let me know when you can? Thank you and amazing work!
Tavcorp  23/02/2011
Hi Guy,

I've tried to reach you through email about acquiring this typeface for commercial purposes, but no luck. :( Hopefully you will see my request through this thread. I'm still very much interested. Thanks!
jrgarot  11/04/2011
Pouvez-vous me recontacter pour une utilisation pro de Grobold SVP?
Merci d'avance.
roy300  15/04/2011
so precise. inspirational title. kudos.
claraliu  21/04/2011

I am interested in using Grobold font you designed commerical purposes. We're a start-up company and have a very limited budget.
Could I? Please email me @

Thanks for making it~!
mycollegetrade  14/08/2011
Hello Guy, I am a college student and I really like your font. I was wondering if I could use it with no fees for a site for college students that I am working on. Thank you very much
Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   21/09/2011
Hi Mycollegetrade, sorry for the late response. Yes, you can use the Grobold for your site when it is not for commercial purposes.
Regards __________ Guy.
happystarfruit  03/01/2012

Grobold is so fun! I really enjoy it and would love to use it for commercial purposes. I was wondering what kind of donation you are looking for in this instance. Please email me at

Thank you!!
Solublepeter  15/02/2012
Great font, I have made a Paypal donation
Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   13/03/2012
Many thanks for your kind donation, Peter! ;-)
jbrillant  27/03/2012
Can you please clear this font for commercial use (Web only). Thanks!
AngelRoque  16/04/2012
Hello Guy,

We are developing a video game and would like to use your font. Please contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss terms. Email me at: It is simply brilliant! Thank you.
JSPNoone  24/05/2012
Hi Mr Buhry,

I'm an univeristy student doing animation and was wondering if I could use the other font you were talking about here ", I created a more complete and commercial version of Grobold, thank you contact me if you want." This is a very striking font and beautifully made.

You can contact me at,

gaviria  30/08/2012
Hi Guy,
We are developing a mobile Game for iPhone and Android and are very interested in using your commercial version. Please contact us at so we can discuss the terms.

Thanks a lot!

Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   11/09/2012
NOUVEAU ! --- J'ai réalisé récemment une nouvelle version appelée Groboldov, spécialement conçue pour les langues d'Europe de l'Est, elle reprend tous les caractères du Grobold Pro et contient aussi les tables de caractères : 1252 Latin 1, 1250 Latin 2 : Eastern Europe, 1251 Cyrillic, 1254 Turkish, 1257 Windows Baltic qui sont utilisées pour les langues comme le Russe (Cyrillique), Polonais, Tchèque, Turque, Slovaque, Hongrois, Slovène, Bosnien, Croatien, Serbe, Roumain, Albanien, Allemand, Estonien, Letton et Lithuanien…
Merci de me contacter par mail si vous souhaitez utiliser cette version commerciale.

NEW! -–- There is now a new version named Groboldov containing the tables of characters : 1252 Latin 1, 1250 Latin 2 : Eastern Europe, 1251 Cyrillic, 1254 Turkish, 1257 Windows Baltic.
Supported languages : Cyrillic (Russian), Latin script, Turkish, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Slovene, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian (Latin script), Romanian, Albanian, German, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian…
Thanks to contact me by email if you want to use this commercial version.
Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   11/09/2012
NOUVEAU TOUT CHAUD ! --- Je viens de terminer une nouvelle version appelée Groboldopoulos. Elle reprend tous les caractères du Grobold Pro et contient aussi les tables de caractères 1253 Windows Greek utilisée pour le Grec.
Merci de me contacter par mail si vous souhaitez utiliser cette version commerciale.

NEW! -–- I'm just finished a new version named Groboldopoulos containing the tables of characters of the Grobold Pro and 1253 Windows Greek.
Thanks to contact me by email if you want to use this commercial version.
frankphilips  13/09/2012
Hi, can you let us know how to contact you to buy the commercial font??
Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   13/09/2012
Pour toute demande d'information concernant les versions commerciales, vous pouvez me contacter par mail à : guybuhry [at]

For any information regarding the commercial versions, you can contact me by email: guybuhry [at]
Lionika  23/07/2014
Would love to use your font for the name of one of my food dishes. Could you tell me what the details are for commercial use?
Email me at:
Jeannie.S  13/01/2015
How do I get the license for this font? please contact me to discuss further.

Greets Jeannine
svnprod  22/07/2015
Bonjour je développe actuellement un petit jeu pour mobiles et aimerais avoir une licence.

Je vous ai contacté sur vos mails mais pas de réponse.
Merci de me contacter à t0pp3r-h4rl3y[at]
AlexBlaha  23/03/2016
May I use your font for a business?
code0_0  22/04/2016
why is the hashtag some weird thing
emilyscott  07/06/2016

We would like to use your font for commercial work in a mobile game. Can you please let us know the costs?

Email me on:

Thank you so much!
samg  05/07/2016
I am also interested in purchasing this font for commercial use. Please contact me for details: Thank you!  28/08/2016
I am interested in using this font for a book. Please inform me of the costs. Thank you.
AProds  07/10/2016
Hi - Lovely font. we would like to use your font as a logo font for our new startup business. What donation do you look for so we can have unrestricted use (print and online) please.
thanks in advance.

(used in Dangermouse I see!!)
Steve D  02/12/2016
Hi Guy
Could you tell me want donation is required to use Grobold commercially (print and online) please.

Many thanks:
Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   06/12/2016
Pour toute demande d'information concernant les versions commerciales, vous pouvez me contacter par mail à : guybuhry [at]

Merci !

For any information regarding the commercial versions, you can contact me by email: guybuhry [at]

Many thanks!
rorohong  09/12/2016
I really enjoy your font and would love to use it for commercial purposes. i will use this font in the exhibition.

Many thanks :
Paladin Snake  18/01/2017
Hey, I would look to ask if i could use this for commercial use, aka youtube?
Michael Le  20/02/2017
Can I use this for my youtube channel?
Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   14/03/2017
Pour toute demande d'information concernant les versions commerciales, vous pouvez me contacter en message privé ou par mail à : guybuhry [at]

Merci !

For any information regarding the commercial versions, you can contact me by private message or by email: guybuhry [at]

Many thanks!
dafont_filipe  07/08/2017
Guy Bonjour, comment allez-vous?

Je travaille dans un petit bureau d'études au Brésil et ont intérêt dans la licence commerciale source Grobold, comment faire?
Quelle est la valeur de celui-ci et comment puis-je acquérir?

Merci et félicitations pour le travail, elle est une belle fontaine.
Dave.h  30/11/2017
Hello Guy
Could you tell me want donation is required to use Grobold commercially (mobile) please.

Many thanks:
Dave.h  30/11/2017
Sorry. It is used for commercial purposes rather than donations.
missiekc  21/12/2017
Hi Guy,
Could you please let me know want donation is required to use Grobold commercially also (print and online)for a small business.

Thank you so much!!
DikayNM  10/01/2018
Que dois-je faire pour utilisez votre font sur un logo : ( assez urgent )
lucyheredia  27/02/2018
Hello Guy Buhry,

I really enjoy your font and would love to use it for commercial purposes. Is it possible to get some information about licensing this font to my small business? Feel free to contact me about any questions you might have as well. Thanks very much! email:
digway  24/06/2018
Eu posso usar essa fonte para fazer a placa de uma loja de picolés?
AliMartin  25/06/2018
Hi Guy

Could you please let me know want donation is required to use Grobold commercially for a small business (print and online).

Many thanks,

Ali Martin
490ccx  30/10/2018

I would like to use this font for a commercial textile project and ask you for permission?
Please send me an answer to:

Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   31/10/2018
Attention, mon adresse email a changée, merci de m'écrire à guybuhry [at]
Attention, my email address has changed, thank you to write to me at guybuhry [at]

Thanks! Merci !
HFDan  25/08/2019
Can i use this for youtube thumbnails?
Contact me at
mmahla  25/01/2020
Hi. I would love to use in a commercial project. Please let me know fee. Thanks You
Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   19/04/2020
Pour toute demande d'information concernant les versions commerciales, vous pouvez me contacter par mail à : guybuhry [at]
Je ne viens pas tous les jours sur Dafont pour vérifier les messages !!!

Merci !

For any information regarding the commercial versions, you can contact me by email: guybuhry [at]
I don't come to Dafont every day to check the messages!!!

Many thanks!
Nice and Chunky font I love it 🔥🔥🔥
julesmoynihan  04/01/2021
Hello, may I use this font for youtube videos as it is the best one I have seen out there?

Bonjour, puis-je utilize cette police pour mes vidéo de youtube parce que c'est une de plus cool police que j'ai vu?

Kloop  28/06/2021
excuse me, permission to use this font for my job, thank you
PriyankaH  27/10/2021
Need permission to use this font commercially
Guy Buhry  autore di Grobold   14/12/2021
Hi, you can find all commercial versions on:
Bonjour, vous trouverez toutes les versions commerciales sur :

Thanks! / Merci !
crisscross82  11/01/2022
Hey Guy,
Could I use this font for my church's kids ministry? Let me know Thanks
Celeste4  15/03/2023
Bonjour, Je souhaiterais acheter la licence de la font "GROBOLD" pouvez-vous me confirmer qu'il s'agit bien d'une police Open type et qu'elle sera bien compatible avec les logiciels de la suite adobe.
Merci d'avance pour votre réponse
mattix3  25/07/2024
I really like this font. Can I use it for my own comic, please? Thank you.


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