El&Font Gohtic!

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226 commenti

StereoType  29/04/2006
Yes !!! Beau travail !
graphix_queen  29/04/2006
this is a very awesome font good job! i like how the capitals are messed! it's awesome! nice work!
jey  29/04/2006
simplement magnifique!
juliexcore  30/04/2006
Awww its so pretty
Gyom Séguin  30/04/2006
Beau travail, j'adore le soucis du détail.
Jellings  30/04/2006
awesome font!!!!!!
Sleeping  30/04/2006
Tres jolie l'effet de style et enorme
danjelu  01/05/2006
I was woundering if i could use this font to my band Discontenth?????????? plz answer my email is danjelu87@hotmail.com
Electzik  02/05/2006
Pas super lisible mais très belle sinon. Beau travail
PY  03/05/2006
Je craque pour cette font...j'aime beaucoup.
Faites vous de l'illustration ? j'ai une idée de dessin...
Antoine  05/05/2006
Salut! Super font!!Elle est tres spéciale mais cool!
melina8_5  07/05/2006
es buenísima esa fuentee!
max123  08/05/2006
Blacker'S  08/05/2006
waow! trop bien!
Matix  08/05/2006
Yeah it's one of the greatest font I ever saw. So i have a question can I use this font for making a Logo for my Band in Germany? thx
Matix  08/05/2006
write back soon pierre_2002@web.de
morry  10/05/2006
hey this is soo awesome. I'm not sure how this whole using fonts thing works so I was wondering if I could use this font for myself as a musician on pictures and such???
crack_city_r0cker  27/05/2006
Super police! Je me demandais si je pouvais l'utiliser pour le titre d'un court-métrage que j'ai réalisé: "L'ange déchu".
Mon mail: crack_city_r0cker@hotmail.com
waste00  31/05/2006
jolie travail, j'aurais aimé savoir si je pouvais utiliser cette fonte pour un groupe de métal (non proféssionnel)?
merci d'avance pour votre réponse!wastemanagement@hotmail.fr
Cruyff  31/05/2006
je n'ai qu'un mot à dire : FÉLICITATION !!!
knockem  31/05/2006
Hi jerome, I love your patterns I was wondering if i can use this font for my church paintball logo name New Creation. Get back to me pls filemu@gmail.com Thanks
pacu  01/06/2006
super ta police jéjé
pongmui_mui  03/06/2006
it is so cool~
loko  05/06/2006
Très belle écriture.

J'avais juste une question. Cela ne te dérange pas que je l'utilise pour faire des images ou bien des truc du genre?

Redis moi

Merci d'avance loko-146@hotmail.com

larockeuse  06/06/2006
elle est trop bien!!!!
super les ailes
zldmst2005  12/06/2006
Hey Jérôme, this is a fantastic font! :) I have an important question though. I would like to use your font for something I am getting published. Please e-mail me!!
krisalyde  13/06/2006
extra =)
hollygum  14/06/2006
c'est trop beau,je l'adore!!!!!!!!!!!!
kmilo  14/06/2006
comment on fait pour l'avoir en ecriture commecelle en illustration ???
Vinzholio  15/06/2006
Hello jérôme, super boulot sur cette police, je craque! je joue dans un groupe en phase de devenir professionnel d'ici un an, et comme beaucoup au dessus aimerait l'utiliser pour notre logo. Tu peux me répondre à zguegory@hotmail.com , ce serait cool :)

Cyriane  16/06/2006
Trèèèès jolie cette police :) J'aurais bien envoyé un mail mais j'ai pas trouvé comment :s

Merci pour ton bon boulot! ;)

chococat  16/06/2006
Franchement beau travail j'ai jamais rien vu d'aussi beau! je te félicite vachement! t'es un As!
RaPiDeMoRTeL  20/06/2006
Wow ! Très beau travail !
johan_raditya  20/06/2006
exellent!!! I was woundering if i could use this font to write my band name n my band symbol. Answer at jrp_sayekti@yahoo.com
samaj  21/06/2006
tré joli travail, je voulé l'utiliser pour mon blog ;) mipo25@hotmail.fr contact moi vite
thibal16  27/06/2006
Je souhaiterais utiliser une ou plusieurs de tes fonts car c'est Krémen tro génialement fait !!!!
thibal_16@tele2.fr contacte moi pr me donner l'autorisation de les utiliser sur mon futur site !!
PiNk  30/06/2006
cré cré Bow !
bardorbe  05/07/2006
Magnifique, je ne connais pas l'adresse email du créateur donc je lui dit ici ;) Elle est superbe, Les lettres ne fittes pas tous ensemble mais c'Est du bon travail!! Ta meilleur a mon gout, bonne continuation
ArchaeL  06/07/2006
Bonjour, excellent travail, je suis ultra fan ! Par contre, je dois être blond, y a marqué que l'auteur souhaite un mail pour l'utilisation, et je ne trouve pas son adresse mail :s merci de bien vouloir me renseigner à ce sujet ... archael_dt@hotmail.fr
Teddyparker  11/07/2006
To the creator of this font:
May I use this font in a website I am designing? Please e-mail me at Teddy.Parker@gmail.com with your response, and thanks for making such a sick font.

bitchfuck  21/07/2006
Liyah  21/07/2006
J'aimerais l'utiliser pour un petit site (cf. mon profil), mais c'est urgent, je vais déjà l'utiliser mais avec ton nom, j'espère qu'il n'y a pas de problèmes !
killtheradio  06/08/2006
hello, relly nice front, i just wonder if i can use this logo type for my band killtheradio? i promise you get credits for it. please answer at geto_frem@hotmail.com
tipografia  07/08/2006
dallasville1987  10/08/2006
beautful fonts....i wanna get this fonts for my tattoo on my back, could you send it to me on my email please, my email is dallasville1987@gmail.com
Eliot Truelove  10/08/2006
Sweet font? Which Program did you use to make this font? I made my kingdom hearts in Fontlab.
LolliPops  21/08/2006
Superbe police ! J'ai vraiment craqué ! ^^
mcbethl25  12/09/2006
I would loove to use the angel wings and 'aJH' for my tattoo. let me know please marylewis37@hotmail.com
superflyguy  24/09/2006
Hello there. Your font was just perfect for our college project... A flying game. It was great for our logo which is also used in the game a lot as graffiti and on signs etc.

preppyfairy  30/09/2006
I absolutely adore your font!!! It is very artistic and original. Well done! :D *thumbs up!*
kingkiller  02/10/2006
nice font try toi do more like this >(-.-)<
primedrctv  05/10/2006
I was wondering who stole my notebook. :) Very nice work.
B15  autore di El&Font Gohtic!   05/10/2006
Arcan  09/10/2006
SUperbe boulot (toutes les polices pas que celles ci)

C'est ecrit "Gratuit pour un usage personnel" ... ca veut dire que c'est payant pour un unsage commercial ?

On peut me repondre sur GaKaTaN@yahoo.fr
B15  autore di El&Font Gohtic!   10/10/2006
Oui si il y a un but lucratif c'est payant, que me propose tu Arcan?
pierre47  20/10/2006
Bonjour Jérôme,
Je m'appele Pierre et je suis en train de monter une structure touchant a tout ce qui a rapport à l'image, nommé "angels studio". J'aimerai beaucoup utiliser cette typo pour l'identité visuelle du studio uniquement (affiche de pub et site internet). J'attend avec impatience que l'on prenne contact. piotr47@breakthru.com
Merci d'avance pour votre réponse
pierre47  20/10/2006
Autant pour moi, passez plutôt par cette adresse, l'autre ne fonctionne peut etre plus!
SWMTD  26/10/2006
trop beau et cool!!!
slapaho_xx  27/10/2006
ooh i love this layout..
the only thinq is i HATE how it only appears on my notepad N shit when it feels like it ~>:(
historymaker  01/11/2006
Hey, really nice font!
May I use this for printing on shirts and other stuff?
Pleasy mail me: iceprincess@gmx.ch
dovetw0  02/11/2006
i really like this font. i'd like to use the wings as part of a logo on my photography website and business card. please email me and let me know what i need to do ... mail@travisdove.com
Dude this font is awsome...i love it...if its ok with you i would like to use it for the name of my bands EP album!! if we could use your font we would so awsome..please email me at: onlymycatsunderstandme@hotmail.com

and also i was wondering what program you use to make your fonts cos there all so good and i want to know how to do it haha

mimagyc  14/11/2006
Superbe Police!!!!, parcontre je n'arive pas a avoir les ailes sur les bords. mimaro@free.fr Merci encore :)
B15  autore di El&Font Gohtic!   15/11/2006
Il suffit d'appuyer sur la touche des parenthèses...
MooseBomb  22/11/2006
First of all, this font is possible one of the most unique ones I've seen. I really like it, in fact, could I use it on shirt and a comic in America?

I'll be selling the shirts, I'm not sure if world wide, that's why I need to know as soon as possible, I'd e-mail you, but I couldn't find one listen. Please contact me as soon as possible at moose.bomb@gmail.com.

Thank you very much.
slashermonk  26/11/2006
best font eva! usin it for loads of things
i just started and this was the firstthing i came to look at!

hazel  26/11/2006
this font is awesome!!! i noticed lots of people asking to use it for their band logos and such i was just wondering what your opinion was on that because i would like to use this font for a design too. email me back!! thanks!!!

Devil-ASM  03/12/2006
Salut ! Deja bravo pour l'ecriture elle est magnifique ... J'ai une question personnelle et urgente a vous poser mais pas en public ... Pourriez vous prendre mon adresse MSN " devil-asm@hotmail.fr " Prenez la car ma question est vraiement importante . Merci au revoir !
Nipz  30/12/2006

I love this font! Please can you e-mail me on how much it will cost me if i wanted to use it for other than personal use!


Ben Arscott
Ira Nascente  04/01/2007
Salut,tout d'abbord bravo pour cette écriture très reussie,j'aimerais l'utiliser pour un logo de groupe de musique (petit groupe local de la region PACA) et je voudrais savoir si cela est possible : contact iranascente@hotmail.com ou flo-aix@hotmail.fr. Merci d'avance.
no name  12/01/2007
awesome, I like this font. with a feather beside.
NiMMDesign  13/01/2007
Exellent travail Jérôme, j'aimerais utiliser ce police pour un usage commercial.

NiMMDesign@Hotmail.com est mon adresse e-mail.
J'espere pouvoir avoir de tes nouvelles au plus vite!

Yann Soucy
IMdC3  16/01/2007
Hello Mr. Delage

I really liked this font, and I would like to use it for my Church's Youth Group Logo and promotion for my youth group...please forward your response to me to ish.martindelcampo@gmail.com.

Thanks in advance.
xXxFriscoxXx  17/01/2007
Hey I like your font it is amazing and I was just wondering if I could use it in a T-shirt design that my friend and I made. Please e-mail me MSDawgDude@aol.com
kren  20/01/2007
its an awesome font!!! which program did you use to make it? can you email me please!!?? XD

kferin  03/02/2007
Mr. Delage... I congratulate you just like everyone else, this font is simply amazing.

I am a senior in highschool and am taking many graphic art classes and internships. My teacher has been entering my friend and I into many competitions, and I was wondering if I could have your permission to use this font in some of my works?

please email me at kferin@hotmail.com with your response!

really great font!
m1m1m111  04/02/2007
Hi Mr. Delage, We are a new company in hong kong. We are trying to make some kitesurfing kites and we want to use your font as the graphics on 4 of our kites. We will just produced 4 to look at how it look on the kite first. If yu are ok, we shall proceed and use your fonts. We will use only a left wing, SoUL, a right wing, total 6 fonts. We are a very small company with 2 girls just starting up, so we do not have a lot of money to pay you, but we really would love to use your fonts on our kitesurfing kite. Please kinldy let us know if it is ok.
Ashtrography  05/02/2007
Love it.
So different.
Wondering if I could use it for my mother's tattoo?

Email me at:
Dave005  07/02/2007

Elle est pire belle cette écriture, franchement beau travail!

Alors j'avais une question comme pratiquement toutes les autres personnes. Est-ce-que je pourrais utiliser ce Font pour mon groupe, Sound Criminals? ça serait vraiment cool! Pour avoir plus de détail sur quoi je vais l'utiliser envoye moi un mail a cette address: dave005@freesurf.ch

Et biensûr si tu ne vx vraiment pas que je l'utilise tu me répond tout simplement "NON"

Si jamias on est pas encore vraiment connu mais bientôt t'inquète pas! Et je voudrais utiliser cette écriture pour notre prochain Album. Alors répond moi a l'addresse que je t'ai donnée.

En attendant ta réponse je te souhaite bonne chance pour ta prochaine écriture!
fantasygirl  08/02/2007
very KOOL
bronzextanx3  11/02/2007
Gaia/Dancing  14/02/2007
M-A-G-N-I-F-I-Q-U-E !!!
Cheese  18/02/2007
I love it! i absolutely love it! its just the back ward letters are some times not so interesting, but other than that I absolutely love it!!!!!
Facedown Theory  18/02/2007
Absolutely love this font! Is there any chance we can use it to create a band logo (non-signed band)?
please reply to facedowntheory@hotmail.co.uk as soon as you can :)
Manoj Udayanga  21/02/2007
This font is mindblowing I love this kind of fonts(Artist_X)
scenexlovexdies  25/02/2007
I love this font its amazing! I was wondering if I can use if for pictures and logos. If you have time please e-mail me at koperhausgirl_93@yahoo.com
surfergirl_hawaii  06/03/2007
I love your fonts! do you allow them to be used commercially? Please get back to me @ myschoolmailbox@excite.com if this is possible! THANK YOU!
B15  autore di El&Font Gohtic!   08/03/2007
thank you to mention the reason for which you want to market my font.
Afflicted for people has who I did not answer… I do not have too much time. thank you still for your comments!!!
trader13va  10/03/2007
Hello,ummmmm Don't get me wrong I LOVE this font...its freggin awsome.But,I downloaded it,then went to use it and it doesnt work.
Can you or anyone else inform me of how to download this WITHOUT an error.
Just post the answer on the comments to this font.
HuBBa  10/03/2007
I love this font!
veezy  13/03/2007
great job!!! keep up creating those cool font2
horse_competetor91  13/03/2007
hey! um, can you tell me how I can save a word and put it on a site... anybody?! please!! email me at horse_competetor91@yahoo.com if you know how..
darkwave  20/03/2007
Hey man, awesome font! I'd like to use it on a t-shirt I'm creating, please let me know if this is possible and keep up the good work! (tjthetrain@gmail.com)
HOTZ  02/04/2007
Hey man.....GREAT WORK!!! i would like to use is for my band....please contact me @ 123hotz@gmail.com
RiCube 0X  03/04/2007
WICKEEEEEEEED !! je sais que je suis le 95eme a le dire mais ta police, elle déchire ! Félicitations, t'as un succès d'enfer, continue comme ça !!
B15  autore di El&Font Gohtic!   04/04/2007
Merci RiCube
B15  autore di El&Font Gohtic!   04/04/2007
Pour ceux qui désireraient utiliser ma font à but commercial, je demande 20€ de droit de diffusion... contactez-moi pour plus de détail.

For those which would wish to use my font with lucrative goal, I ask for 20€ of right of diffusion… contact me for more detail.
HOTZ  08/04/2007
Dear B15..........please leave your e-mailaddress on this page or in your profile or contact me at 123hotz@gmail.com.
Spirit70  10/04/2007
Elle est trop cool cette écriture!!!! J'adore!!! Continuez à en faire des comme ça!!!!^^
Spirit70  10/04/2007
Là au moins, on voit qu'il y a du travail!!
mentoroner  10/04/2007
Salut j'arrive pas à trouver ton adresse mail, je voudrais t'acheter les droits pour ta typo mais j'aurais quelques questions en plus... terox78@yahoo.fr contacte moi stp merci
SupremeBaka  10/04/2007
B15  autore di El&Font Gohtic!   11/04/2007
ChickOo  11/04/2007
Its Just Perfect....
Thanks B15... ^_^
3tailer  16/04/2007
daddy like.
ruffryder  23/04/2007

Flappa flappa flappa flyaway! WHEEEEEEEEEEE!

Sorry... but that IS my nature! ;)
Yacu  28/04/2007
Muy Buenoo garcias
ziinttiah  29/04/2007
la mejor letras
PainIsOnlyTemporary  13/05/2007
This font is amazing! I love it!
haetro  17/05/2007
hi jerome, can i use it for commercial like web, prints? check your email... or email me at haetro@yahoo.com thanks... you rock!
JONTUS  18/05/2007
B15  autore di El&Font Gohtic!   18/05/2007
However it functions perfectly on PHOTOSHOP CS2, you badly installed it…
lallbe  21/05/2007
I´m also interested in using it for a publishing. Would be nice if you send me an e-mail at: marcreimsdorf@gmx.de

saundersma  25/05/2007
Can I use this for a school project ( I will need writen e.g e-mail contact foe any thing mildly i dount of copy right of i'll fail a GCSE) contact on saunders-ma@hotmail.co.uk thanks
checkerz  28/05/2007
ive lookd crazy for this font
summerbaby  30/05/2007
hi i love it
SuperNova13  01/06/2007
Simply beautifull
Lexiiee  05/06/2007
is there any html codes for this?? please email me at lexismyluv@aim.com
sammyheartsmcr  12/06/2007
hey! how or what letter do you add to get the wings there????
B15  autore di El&Font Gohtic!   16/06/2007
With ( and ).
DarkHead  23/06/2007

Très belle font, bravo. ^^
J'ai cependant un petit doute, je l'utilisais ol y a quelques temps mais j'ai perdu toute les donnés de mon PC (Bah c'est ma vie quoi ...^^)

Mais quand je DL la police, la phrase "Voix ambigüetc..." apparait pas.. Y a pas un petit problème ? :/
DarkHead  23/06/2007
Oups, j'ai rien dit, un petit reboot de mon PC et ça marche parfaitement.
Encore merci pour cette superbe font, j'attends de voir tes prochaines "oeuvres". :)

x-kriminell  27/06/2007
Damn! It's a fucking nice font
Sakura2309  27/06/2007
kia88  01/07/2007
wht a wonderful font!
can u send it to me?
MangoPudding--  07/07/2007
sideman  07/07/2007
yennyfurr  16/07/2007
its so nice
th0k0n  19/07/2007
sooooooooooooooooooooo kuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Firemoon182  30/07/2007
Haha. cool
Crow33443  30/07/2007
this one is so awsome. i was wondering if i could use it. ashtyn94@comcast.net
Arctick  22/08/2007
Super police!! j'adore les coups de pinceaux et les parenthèses !!
A oui au fait, esque je peux l'utiliser pour mon groupe?
Voilà mon email nuriaaragones@orange.fr
arwen  25/08/2007
Trop bien j'aime beaucoup. Beaucoup d'imagination! Ca clak!!!
loser  29/08/2007
ellecavanaugh  29/08/2007
You might want to check out AshtonVon.com. She's using the font I'm assuming without permission on her paysite and has been for awhile now. Just a heads up that you might want to check out since she's a fraud anyway.
Serenity_Siren91992  02/09/2007
Hey this is an AWSOME font and I was wondering if I could use it on a picture I am editing. I would really appreciate it if you would get back to me plllease!
_meagz  05/09/2007
how do i use it for pictures
lyk put the writing on pics
it is really coool
TheEmoDinosaurx3  11/09/2007
love the font.
My friend uses it all the time.
koz  15/09/2007
hello would u make me that name is kozaritz with wings? pls? my email address is kozaritz@yahoo.com thank u i think it awesome !!
kriistoff  15/09/2007
Bonsoir Mr Delage.

J'aurai besoin que vous me disiez sous quelles conditions je peux utiliser votre police d'écriture pour le lancement d'une marque de t-shirt.
Merci de me contacter kriistoff@cegetel.net

Naxitox  18/09/2007
muy la bkn yeah
lady smoke alot  25/09/2007
nice font
xsazakura  29/09/2007
Nice font! err...i downloaded your font but how do u make those wings?
B15  autore di El&Font Gohtic!   03/10/2007
Pour l'usage commercial, il y a 20€ de droit à règler.
vin6921  12/11/2007
[R]age  23/11/2007
this is the best ive seen
GeorgiaBlount  25/11/2007
How Do You Get The Font On To Pictures? x
lupis_docenitas  27/11/2007
I Love
lupis_docenitas  27/11/2007
I beathufuLy
Baby_Jodz.  28/11/2007
Its Really Nice :)

Its Not a sorta font for msn though is it :) ?

more for www.bebo.com skins :)
princess94  01/12/2007
Naegi  02/12/2007
Wow very goo font
L4DM  03/12/2007
this font rox mii sockz!!!!
ZenK  10/12/2007
hi! very nice, beatutifull font!

i would like to ask you if we could use your font for our band logo...we are a german band and like this font very much. so i hope for answer on

listen to us on myspace.com/endlessvacationband

thx a lot, nice greetz patrick
tomcat52897  05/01/2008
Hey I love this font! Can I use it in my artwork? http://tomcatltd.com is my website.
amanite  30/01/2008
tout d'abord bravo pour ta typo... c'est de loin une de mes preféré! j'aurais voulue pouvoir l'utilisée dans une plaquette d'artiste peintre envoyé pour les vernissages. je souhaite t'acheter les droits... j'ai lue plus haut que c'est 20 euros; no probléme.
pouvons nous nous contacter?
crazymcbart  30/01/2008
Nice wings man! Where did you get them from?

_HONDA_  01/02/2008
LINKIN PARK are using theese wings (a bit edited though) in theire new LP logo
Wurmple  18/02/2008
This is a great font. Love the wings.
clixy  21/02/2008
bien cs kkoooooollll:p
pmhamid  02/03/2008
Nasuko  09/03/2008
one of my favorite fonts!!!
Va59300  17/03/2008
Cette police ne mérite que la 1ère place dans le top 100... Vraiment superbe comme police. ;)
ljay_91  02/04/2008
I love your font. I am making magazine covers for my artwork at school and was wondering if you would mind sending me your font?
Thankyou...Lisa J
ktmkid  03/04/2008
hey i wish i could use it but i download it with win rar and the extract it to my fonts like i did with my first one and all i get is this "€ 0OS/2»B‡š 8 VcmapÐ~>æ
Ä Ògaspÿÿ ~¬ glyfÜ#iÒ Ð K headäã õ ¼ 6hhea" when i pull up microsoft office word. with the first one it worked just fine then disapered for some reason can some1 help me
w4hagen  03/04/2008
Hey, awesome font! I was wondering if it would be ok if I use it for my gaming clan for a T-Shirt, if you have the time please E-mail me at w4hagen@gmail.com
ToKiDoKI13313  10/04/2008
not bad.......
i am addicted to emo and gothic stuff so yeah.......
faviiz  22/04/2008
shasta4ever  28/04/2008
it wont let me download it do you think you could send it to me? me e-mail is
shasta4ever  28/04/2008
oops i ment "my" not me
kierast  06/05/2008
awesome font. thanks
frank.kunowski  24/05/2008
Dear Jerome Delage,

I found the "El&Font Gohtic!" by Jérôme Delage (http://www.dafont.com/jerome-delage.d1232) used on a commercial t-shirt. By the way - this t-shirt ("Nationalist") you can buy in a german neonazi internet shop called resistore.net.

Look here:


I think maybe you should know that happend with "free for personal use" here. The impressum you found by strg + f -> search: giemsch


Dennis Giemsch, Postfach 170121, 44060 Dortmund, Germany

Tel.: 0700 / 94 33 77 82, Fax.: 0700 / 94 33 77 82, E-Mail: dennis@giemsch.com

Best greetings

Frank Kunowski / Berlin / Germany
Icheeva  19/06/2008
LOl this is really cool, too bad it can understand it my eyes are funny lol
B3li3v3n  24/06/2008
This is very cool. Is it okay if I use it for a T-shirt logo design?
etore  06/07/2008
grandart  16/07/2008
I would like to use the font on a t-shirt. How can I obtain a commercial copy of the font?
mijael166  05/08/2008
Cool font..!!!
mooklie  25/08/2008
Hey mate realy cool font, just curious if you mind me useing it on a website because it realy suits what I'm going for?, perhaps I could put a link on my site to a homepage of yours? please reply to chris@techy.com.au thankyou
mooklie  25/08/2008
Just in regards to my last comment, I'm only using the ( ) part of the font.. ie: the wings
RAS-UTOPIA  24/09/2008
yhon10_20  07/10/2008
Es una de las mejores letras jejeje
ssheeezy  15/10/2008
can i ask how to use this font in microsoft word?...
cause i like the style of your font!!........
it's very nice!!
by the way thanks
sergio martines  03/11/2008
wenos grafitis de vio sigan asi cauros XD
rdheepak  09/11/2008
love it! got any similar fonts???
i'm a fan!!!
rangelespecial  18/11/2008
tremenda Fuente es geniall....!
Dathomir2  11/12/2008
can i use this in art? (like Gimp and Photoshop)


I wrote (gnat) instead of @ and (pot) instead of .
ginastone13  09/01/2009
Hi Just wondered if I can use your font as part of my bands logo design. It was just the design I had in my head!! My email address is: ginastone@btinternet.com.I see you have had similar requests. If so, great! Give me your email address and I'll send you some songs! Thanks Gina
sanroman  09/01/2009
salut mec , terrible ta typo , par contre je ne sais pas comment je peut faire pour pouvoir l'utiliser sans souci ( pour les droits d'auteurs ) . je ne trouve pas ton contacte donc si tu peut me contacter ça serais cool . merci à toi tchuss and peace .

SunshineyDay  23/01/2009
Hello! I LOVE the font... I am wondering if I can have your permission to use the wings for a logo? Photography related things... including my blog! Thanks for the great work!
You can e-mail me at SunshineyDay11@hotmail.com. :0)
ElwoodEspada  28/01/2009
Hi, you did a perfect job with the police, I was wondering if I could use it for a logo, please email me at thibshg@hotmail.com thaaankksss
flipdarius  04/02/2009
I loved this!

Would you give me any tip on making grunge, complex fonts? I find difficult to render then with FontLab. Do you use another software? Or have any special plugin? Thanks!
AlinaCourtney  08/02/2009
I like very much this!It help me to make banners ;)
So cute!Good job!;);)
Spider-Man  08/03/2009
Magnifique police ! J'adore ! Je souhaiterais l'utiliser pour la page d'acceuil d'un site web dont je m'occupe. M'en donnez vous l'autorisation ? Merci de me contacter spiderman@calimapa.com
kagoe  30/03/2009
Damn, this has alot of comments.

I think the font is awesome, it oozes style.
joeybron  12/05/2009
WOW! I like it...:)
tisch  31/05/2009
great font!..Am i able to use this font for a logo?..i don't want to get sued lol...pls email me back at tisch_sims@yahoo.com

Thank You!
tisch  04/06/2009
sonita  30/06/2009
first font that had wings that i found...! great
simon helliwell  08/07/2009
Hi There

Love to use this font for a commercial project
- could you let me know how much it is

kentskorstad  13/07/2009
How much is this font?
I really need to buy it, its perfect for a designproject i'm working on.
what is your e-mail address?
this is mine: kentskorstad@gmail.com
Saiccu  13/07/2009
Hi Jerome.
I was wondering that, do you mind if I use this font in my personal website? I define that my website is NOT commercial.

If you do not approve this, could you send me email: saija.ketola@gmail.com

Also I would be pleasent, if you could let me know, if this is ok for you.

Best wishes Saija.
tangkwa-hanchul  03/08/2009
so cute

thank you very much
deslandesn  14/08/2009
Hey Jerome.
Like most of the bands here, I would like to know if you mind if I use this for my band? If you do not want em to do this, then do you mind if I use it momentarily until I get a new logo?

Comme beaucoup des groupes ici, je veux savoir si je peut utiliser ce font pour mon groupe. Ci tu veux pas que je fasse ca, je veux savoir ci je peut utiliser ce font maintenant, juste au temps que je peut trouver un autre image?

Deslandesn@live.com (mon courriel)
AimJy  17/08/2009
Hey jerome trankil.?

J'aimerai lancer ma marke de vetements et je voulais savoir si tu motorise a utiliser ton ecriture??

Si ya moyen tien moi o jus...

C'est serieux..
quiltro7  02/10/2009
hi, what can i do for use your font for my band logo???, my email is quiltro7@gmail.com wait for your answer thank you.
afterthefall  02/10/2009
Hey Jerome,
I realy need to use this font for my band, for our logo
Here is my email: AfterTheFall96@hotmail.com
If you need, we will give credit?
I can send u images of our logo if you need
It would be greatly apreciated if you would give us rights of use because no other font looks as good as this one.
glassheart89  18/10/2009
Could i please use this font to make t-shirts for a charity organization?
Thanks here's my email: spykid0602@gmail.com
Luna N.  09/12/2009
oh mi gosh ♥
this is a nice font
Flodu69  21/12/2009
Salut Jérome je voudrait savoir si je peut utiliser cette ecriture pour la mettre sur des images a titre personnel bien sur.Si tu veut que je te le prouve j'utilise ses images pour poster sur mon blog qui est:http://reymysteriodu69930.skyrock.com/
Recontacte moi a l'adresse msn shogungalaad@hotmail.fr
B15  autore di El&Font Gohtic!   24/12/2009
Si vous aimez mon travail, une petite donation ça fait toujour plaisir...
Bonne fêtes à tous ;)
If you like my work, a small donation it is always fun ...
Happy holidays to all ;)
Vinzz  21/01/2010
Bonjour, vraiment interessant
Est il possible d'utiliser cette police pour créer un avatar pour un jeu ?
merci de me répondre : Vinnz08@hotmail.fr
B15  autore di El&Font Gohtic!   04/03/2010
I wanted to inform you that my form was no longer free for personal use because I found that some people abused it and were disrespectful to my work, I decided that I would now have to pay anyone who wants to use it. Thank you for your understanding Jerome.
Je tenais à vous informer que ma font n'était plus gratuite pour un usage personnel, car j'ai constaté que certaines personnes en abusaient et manquaient de respect à mon travail, j'ai donc décidé que ma font serait désormait payante pour tout ceux qui souhaite l'utiliser. Merci de votre compréhension Jerome.
GoGoInaro  21/04/2010
Hey there. I was wondering if I could use this font for the title of my novel? I'm thinking of publishing, so it's important that I hear back from you.

My email is: Jin.Akuma@hotmail.com

Thank you for creating this font, and I hope that I hear back from you.
al8z  29/04/2010
I see many people have asked you this but I would like to use your font on shirts. If thats possible please email me and let me know. I am willing to donate or even send you a shirt after I make it.
B15  autore di El&Font Gohtic!   10/06/2010
Beaucoup de gens me demande le montant des droits pour l'utilisation de ma Font, il s'élève à 20€ à verser sur mon compte paypal (merci de préciser le motif de la donation)
Cordialement Jerome.
Many people asks me the amount of the rights for the use of my font, it's 20€ to be paid on paypal account (thank you to specify the reason for the donation) regards Jerome.
FEEBE  24/06/2010
awwwww this font is really awsomee i really like it!!
yan.blessing  21/12/2010
awesom .. !!

i like this font ,but i can't download this font .. why ?
shadow24  05/02/2011
superbe mais j'ai un problème, quand je le télécharge, je ne pe pas l'éxtraire, il me mes un message d'erreur mais bon travail,(si tu pouvais m'envoyer la police par e-mail=albatorleam@hotmail.fr merci =)
lukedebourgh  09/02/2011
The best font in my opinion love all the edges and it just looks all in all a really interesting fort :)
B15  autore di El&Font Gohtic!   19/05/2012
My mail is "little-chips@hotmail.fr" it's also my paypal address.
rolandhuse  10/07/2012
bisty  29/08/2012
really awesome font.
damon_burford  20/11/2012
i really like this font XD
peterp  17/02/2014
This is another brilliant one by the same guy: http://www.freestockimages.net/fonts/fonts/9809/el_font_gohtic_.php

He knows how to create really spooky fonts.
koastlyfe  01/07/2017
hey buddy,
sick font was wondering how much to use commercially thanks

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