
Anteprima personalizzata
 13.210.399 scaricati (4.105 ieri)   100% Gratis - 5 file dei caratteri

157 commenti

skomii  02/05/2013
Marvellous !!!
Jetlamindz  04/05/2013
I broke down and bought Winzip... but it was worthless as the font is not correct. The capital G does not have the little curl under it. NOT HAPPY!
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   22/07/2013
The original version had a G curl but it was annoying in actual use. It would collide with other letters and generally cause chaos.
LeCoffee  09/08/2013
Bloody lovely :3 Been looking for this for about 7 months now :D
chuvub  22/09/2014
: )
chuvub  22/09/2014
hannahrosso  27/10/2014
Might be a silly question but I'm new to all of this... how do I obtain the html code for this font?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   28/10/2014
Not a silly question at all. The regular, free license doesn't allow conversion for web embedding but you can purchase a web license here:
That'll get you the font, all ready for embedding on the web and code that you can copy/paste into your CSS. There are no restrictions on number of views of any of that hit tracking stuff.
fastlife  21/11/2014
love this font. I want to use it commercially for some non-profit organization graphics. Is it free under those terms?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   22/11/2014
No problem. The license agreement allows commercial use so even for-profit would be fine.
heavychevy35096  05/12/2014
I have a logo I've created for a client using this font. It will mainly be used on print for now, maybe web later. What do I need to do to obtain the print license for now?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   05/12/2014
The license agreement allows commercial print use, including logos. You only need a web license if you're embedding the font on the site for text and headlines.
mercedes88  11/02/2015
Hello, thank you for the free download of this fabulous font! I am currently updating a wordpress site for the school I work at. I am designing a new header for the page in illustrator and hoping to use this font. I will be saving the header as a PNG file before uploading it, and I won't be using the font anywhere else on the site, so no embedding. I just wanted to double check that this is free under the licence agreement? sorry for the long winded question!
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   11/02/2015
Thanks, I'm glad you like it. No, that doesn't count as embedding. Good luck with your site update.
Arthur Lasemelle  23/03/2015
Amazing font, just irreplaceable.

Can we have the Coolvetica Light version for a non official use(Student presentation). Because I'm found of this font and it would be amazing to use it "light" ...
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   25/03/2015
Thanks very much. No problem, Arthur, I sent you an an email about it.
abennett  15/05/2015
Hi, we are a academy school called William Bradford Academy.
(Upper School)
Being an academy I'm guessing we are classed as a business now so hence asking if we can have permission to use this font on our network free of charge or not?
Can you e-mail me on asap due to students would like to use this font as part of their exams. Many thanks - Andrew Bennett (Technician)
fran_cocco  20/08/2015
Hi, thanks you, I love this tipography.
clark5  08/04/2016
hello, i am very sorry, i am new here and want to make sure: i would like to use this font for my commercial business for all branding affairs (logo, marketing material, press credits etc). i have a wordpress online shop and would like to place my coolvetica logo of course on my webpage. can i use the font nevertheless for all belongings for free? is it correct that i only need a license when using the font for the whole text or headlines on my webpage? thank you so much...
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   08/04/2016
That's correct. Everything you mentioned is allowed.
TinaBurk  15/08/2016
Hello, I would like to use this beautiful font to participate in an online contest for commercial use. it is OK?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   18/08/2016
That's no problem. It's free for commercial use.
tony greco  22/08/2016
I love it!
liat  31/08/2016
I love it! i desing t-shirt for sell. can i use this Great font? Thank you very much
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   06/09/2016
Thanks. Yes, it's free for commercial use.
ethan0302  08/12/2016
Using this to make a website on weebly, can I use it? I'm not quite sure what an embedded website is.
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   09/12/2016
If you're you're using the font to make graphic, then putting the graphics on a website: that's not embedding. If you need put the font on the site: that's embedding.
kimballabmik  21/03/2017
for some reason it's not working on my mac book word program?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   03/04/2017
Maybe try the OTF format? Search for Coolvetica at and you can get it: no charge.
Amelia rossi  14/07/2017
Podría utilizar esta fuente para el logo de envasado de productos? Es decir, necesitaría otra licencia además de la licencia web? Gracias!
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   15/07/2017
La licencia gratuita permite su uso en el embalaje. ¡Buena suerte con su nuevo producto!
JPGD  21/07/2017
Hola,puedo utilizar esta fuente para un videojuego de android que va a ser comercial va a tener anuncios y compras integradas.Tendría que pagarte un porcentaje de las ganancias? Gracias
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   23/07/2017
Se requiere un tipo diferente de licencia para incrustar en aplicaciones. Ve aquí ...
Haga clic en el botón azul. Añada la fuente que desea al carrito de la compra. Examine el carrito de la compra. Cambie la licencia por "licencia de aplicación". Ahora usted puede incorporar la fuente en su juego; ¡No hay problema!
AmisCris  05/09/2017
Hola, estoy realizando un logo con su tipografía Coolvetica Regular, si me aprueban debo tener la licencia? porque vi que cuesta cada una $16 pero la regular es gratuita me podría explicar gracias
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   07/09/2017
Sí, el estilo regular de Coolvetica es gratis para uso comercial ... puedes usarlo para hacer un logo.
cosmin7  03/10/2017
Hey, publishing a video on YouTube with monetization enabled with this font. Is it free for me?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   12/10/2017
Yes, the free license allows commercial use in video.
TheNiklas  06/01/2018
May I use the font on YouTube thumbnails? In videos it is allowed that is yes in the desktop license but for thumbnails too. I have to say I do not earn anything with YouTube only with some videos!
fusco.gc  07/01/2018
Hola! Puedo usar de forma gratuita esta fuente para que sea la fuente de mi logo y de todo el texto de mi web y documentos de mi empresa? Gracias. Saludos!
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   18/01/2018
It's no problem using for for video and commercial use is allowed.

Sí, puedes usarlo para todas las cosas que describes.
fusco.gc  31/01/2018
Gracias @typodermic! Es una hermosa tipografía!! :)
Kendrah23  06/02/2018
I would like to use your font commercially as well as for a tshirt line. Please lmk details if this is possible.
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   28/02/2018
It comes with a free commercial use license. Check the FAQ at the bottom of this page:
HannabelleCreations  06/06/2018

I was just wondering if I would be able to use this font on book covers, and ebook covers? Sorry if you get asked this question so many times! But I just wanted to make sure first.

typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   09/06/2018
Hi Hannah,
It's no problem using it for book covers and eBook covers.
texalo93  15/11/2018
Hi, I am currently using your font for a gif to promote a museum on websites. Do I need to apply for any licenses? am I in violation of any?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   20/11/2018
It's no problem...the included license allows it.
AfdanZulhi  03/12/2018
hi, introduce my name afdan, on this occasion I really like the fonts, whether I can use it for commercial purposes to make a logo, if you can, you can answer here or can answer it by email:
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   05/12/2018
It's no problem. Coolvetica Regular is free for commercial uses including a logo. There's more information inside the zip.
hlaffin171  04/02/2019
i am really interested in this font, it's very detailed and i would love to use this font. If you need to reach me you can email
thisisatry  06/03/2019
Dear typodermic, how did you do the font?
(program, etc)
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   08/03/2019
The original was made in Fontographer 4.1 in 1999. Updated versions were created with FontLab Studio 5.
pet8  14/03/2019
Dear Typodermic! I want to ask whether I can use the Cooolvetica font on my single music cover that would be digitally released? Or do I have to pay for commercial use?

I look forward to your prompt and honorable reply
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   14/03/2019
It's no problem. Coolvetica Regular is free for commercial uses including album/single covers.
pet8  14/03/2019
Is this allowed for digital album/single covers?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   19/03/2019
Yes, any album covers. There are no restrictions on what type of graphics you can use it for.
bermellon07  01/05/2019
Hi. Can I to use this font in a product to sell? It is for a video that will be uploaded to the internet. Thank you so much..
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   03/05/2019
Sure. It's free for use in commercial videos. There's a description included with the font.
eli10  09/07/2019
Can I use for logotipo?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   21/07/2019
Sure, no problem.
Ahmadadhy  23/07/2019
Hi, I had made a logo with your font, and I modify the font like the color, shape, etc. Is that allowed..thank you
Ahmadadhy  23/07/2019
And the logo is for my client
Ahmadadhy  23/07/2019
And my logo too..
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   23/07/2019
It's no problem. Coolvetica Regular is free for commercial use including logos and modification is allowed. There's a document included with the font that explains in detail.
calla0136  17/11/2019
Hello, I want to put your font in our cosmetics container. I'd like to know if it's available without any other procedures. Thank you.
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   21/11/2019
The free license allows commercial use on packaging. Details are included with the font.
Lvxcyd  02/01/2020
Hi I downloaded the Coolvetica font before and wanted to know what qualifies as a workstation to use your font does it include mobile apps such as phonto? And is it okay if I were to use it on my dad’s business card?
Lvxcyd  02/01/2020
And also would a mobile be considered a workstation?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   03/01/2020
Yes, a mobile would be considered a workstation. Any type of device that you'll be using the fonts to create images on is considered a workstation. Mobile apps, no problem. Business cards aren't prohibited by the agreement.
Scote  08/01/2020
The numbers are not scale to match each other. They should have all the same height no?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   14/01/2020
They are the same but the entire font has overshoots on the rounds.
Camilla98  30/06/2020
can I use the font to print on a shirt? or there is some particular license
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   04/07/2020
Yes, it's free for commercial use including t-shirts. Details included with the font.
flornesnech  14/07/2020
Hola! tenes la versión light? la podré usar en un logotipo sin licencia? muchas gracias!
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   15/07/2020
Hola. Sí, puedes usarlo para un logotipo. La versión ligera no es gratuita, pero puedes comprarla aquí. Mucha suerte con tu proyecto.
Leilanygs  19/10/2020
Hi I would like to us this font for my business to put out on my phone cases. Like to put text on phone cases. Is it possible if not it’s ok?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   20/10/2020
It's not a problem.
yugikio  20/10/2020
Marterpiece of the fonts.
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   21/10/2020
hi, can I use this font for commercial use? thank you
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   21/11/2020
Yes, it's free for commercial use; details included with the font.
hannah_3  02/02/2021
adorable font!
Vita123  05/02/2021
Hi, can i use this font for commercial purpose like novel cover for printing? Thank you.
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   05/02/2021
Yes, it's free for commercial use; details included with the font.
Ven Austine  22/02/2021
Hello Typodermic Team, is it also Free for print? I would like to use it on my Tshirt design and for the tags.
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   23/02/2021
Yes, it's free for commercial use, including print; details are included with the font.
WITNESS22  10/04/2021
I wish people would read before posting "Can I use this for my tshirts...?"

typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   16/04/2021
Yes, it's free for commer...oops. Yes, I wish they would too!
JuliusT  04/06/2021
Hey this is a dope font. I'd like to use this for my clothing line. ;)
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   05/06/2021
Thank you very much. Best of luck with your new clothing line.
vandraa  13/06/2021
hello! can i use this font for my business logo?
Nuuu  14/06/2021
Hi can i use this font for commercial use??
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   14/06/2021
Yes, it's free to use for a logo and other commercial purposes. Details are included with the font.
shinmingo  23/07/2021

This font.

Can I use it to make my brand name and t-shirt?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   23/07/2021
Yes, it's free for commercial use, including logos and t-shirts; details are included with the font.
almuttaqin  14/08/2021
Let me use the font for personal and commercial use.
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   14/08/2021
A commercial use license is included with the fonts.
Tr3ynity  17/12/2021
I've used this font for several of my projects in uni for architecture. They make my boards look so professional! Thank you so much!
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   17/12/2021
Glad you like it; cheers!
Marusekkei  08/01/2022
NICE FONT, I want to use this font for commercial such as web, logo and others. can you tell me what should i include? contact me at, thanks
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   08/01/2022
Thanks. Yes, it's free to use for a logo and other commercial purposes. Details are included with the font.
Samrad20  10/01/2022
Can this be used in embedding in an app?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   11/01/2022
It can't be embedded in an app with a free license but it's not expensive. Hit the "get it now" button and choose the app license.
BastianM  04/02/2022
Hello, I need to use this font for logo design, posters and maybe for use on the net in the future.

Do I need a license or can I use it as it is?

If a license is needed, where can I find it?

Thank you !
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   05/02/2022
Yes, it's free to use for a logo and other commercial purposes. Details are included with the font.
Samrad20  22/03/2022
Hello, Can i use it for "images" that will be used in a website? No, I'm not embedding text in the website. Just making sure that doesn't count as embedding.
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   23/03/2022
That doesn't count as embedding.
Parierti  28/03/2022
Hi, I love this font, but I don't have a letter I want in my native language. I really need it, please help me.This is the opposite of the letter "e".This is a letter in the Azerbaijani language. You can see it.Please add it, I don't think it will be difficult for you. Please. Thank you
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   29/03/2022
The Əə characters are already included.
Parierti  29/03/2022
There is no problem with the capital letter, but the font of the lowercase is not like the others. It is different. It is more subtle. It is different from the others.😔
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   29/03/2022
Unicode 01DD?
Parierti  29/03/2022
yes that's it
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   29/03/2022
Parierti  29/03/2022
Yess that's itt
Parierti  29/03/2022
I wanted it
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   29/03/2022
If you have the current version of Coolvetica (the one on Dafont) then you should see the same thing. If it doesn't appear, you may have an old version installed. If you're using the version that's included with Adobe CC, deactivate it and install the Dafont version.
Parierti  29/03/2022
I wanted it
Parierti  29/03/2022
I installed it yesterday.Do I have to delete it again?
Parierti  29/03/2022
or can you send it to my gmail address, if I write
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   29/03/2022
Contact me here and I'll explain.
Parierti  29/03/2022
I did
Parierti  29/03/2022
I'm sorry, it was written too much
Parierti  29/03/2022
How can I find out if you accept my message?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   30/03/2022
Üzr istəyirik, mən Yaponiya vaxt qurşağındayam, ona görə də cavab vermək bir neçə saat çəkdi.
Parierti  30/03/2022
Oh,not problem
Parierti  30/03/2022
will your message come naturally?
Parierti  30/03/2022
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   30/03/2022
I replied. Maybe it's in your junk mail folder?
Parierti  30/03/2022
I already got it, I express my endless gratitude, I liked it very much, thank you again😊
AM89  11/05/2022
Hi, to use the COOLVETIVA CONDENSED REGULAR font for a brand and website do you need a license to buy or not?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   12/05/2022
It's no problem; the free license allows it. If you need to embed the font on a website, you can get a web license here:
spidipw  10/06/2022
hello. I was wondering if this font could be used for commercial purposes for logo branding and t-shirt making., thanks
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   11/06/2022
Yes, it's free to use for a logo and other commercial purposes. Details are included with the font.
G29  25/07/2022
hello. I was wondering if this font could be used for commercial purposes for logo branding and t-shirt making., thanks
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   25/07/2022
Yes, it's free to use for a logo, t-shirt and other commercial purposes. Details are included with the font.
musyaffa308  24/10/2022
hello, i like this font, can i use it for commercial? Thanks.
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   24/10/2022
Yes, it's free for commercial use. Details are included with the fonts.
s57587  08/11/2022
ong I made a stinky when I saw this
s57587  08/11/2022
can yall relate
mehran  08/11/2022
Hi, it is a beautiful font thanks for sharing. I chose it to make my game interface. However I cannot use the free version because you excluded apps (games?)

It's a regret :(
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   09/11/2022
I have an app license tier that's priced to be indie dev friendly. The first tier application license is about the same price as other font creators change for a regular license.
MINJEONGKANG  20/12/2022
Hello~Your font is so cool!
Can i use your commercially?
It says it's free, but the official site says that you have to buy it to use it commercially.
I prepare launcing new a pharmaceutical brand in korea.
I want to this font for product name and marketing contents online&offline.
please contact me,
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   21/12/2022
Coolvetica Regular, Italic, Crammed Regular, Compressed Regular, and Condensed Regular include a free commercial use “desktop” license. Other Coolvetica styles are not free. There are some distributors who offer no Coolvetica styles for free. It's no problem using the free Coolvetica styles for branding. Details are included with the fonts.
Farhanfh  12/07/2023
Hello, can I use this font for commercial use (clothes)? and may i edit this font shape like ‘warp/liquify/etc’ in photoshop/illustrator? Please contact me at
Thank you:)
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   13/07/2023
It's no problem.
fillali  13/08/2023
Hi, I've been searching for this font for a very long time, it's amazing, thanks.
I have some questions please:
I have a project for a start-up company, as I understand it, it is allowed and free to use it in a logo, paper copies, and a commercial advertisement on YouTube, and to use it in a Powerpoint presentation.
Not allowed As I understood - if I want to create a website for the company, can I not use the font in the texts? Can I just use it in titles?
- I want to make a stamp for the company to stamp papers and agreements, is it allowed?
Best regards
fillali  13/08/2023
please contact me
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   14/08/2023
Firstly, thank you for the kind words! We're glad to hear that you appreciate our work, and we're happy to assist you in understanding the licensing terms.

1) Logo, Paper Copies, Commercial Advertisement on YouTube, and PowerPoint Presentation**: You're absolutely correct. With our complimentary desktop license, you can freely use the font for logos, printed materials, commercial videos on platforms like YouTube, and in PowerPoint presentations.

2) Website Use: Here's where things get a bit specific. For the actual text content of a website, you would need to embed the font, which requires a separate web license. However, if you're just using the font in graphics or images (like website banners or titles) and not embedding the font in the website's code, then the desktop license would suffice. In simple terms, if you're turning the font into an image or graphic for the website, it's okay. But, if you want the text written in the font to be selectable and responsive on the website, you'll need a web license.

3) Stamp for Company: Yes, you can use the font to create a stamp for your company. This falls under the realm of printed materials, which is covered by our complimentary desktop license.

For the web use, I would recommend visiting the specific font's page on our website: Here, you'll find a list of font vendors that offer web licenses. As each vendor might have different pricing and terms, it's advisable to compare them before making a decision.

I hope this clears things up for you. Should you have any further questions or need more information, don't hesitate to reach out!

Best Regards,
Raymond Larabie,
Typodermic Fonts Inc.
fillali  14/08/2023
Dear Raymond,
Thank you for the kindness of your response and the generosity of the explanation. I greatly appreciate this, and you deserve all the support for the magnificence of your art. I found a site that sells font:

Is it safe and can I buy from it? And if I buy, the use is unlimited?
I apologize for the many questions. :)
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   15/08/2023
Thanks very much! It's no problem. Yes, that source is legitimate and there is no time limit on the license.
LoganRoman  11/04/2024
use  and  if you want the other G and q
LoganRoman  11/04/2024
i almost forgot  for t,  for У  for GT,  for <-, and  for ->
yasminhonorato  28/05/2024
I used the bold font for a logo, but I modified the font. I only will use the font for the head of the site as an image PNG. Do I need to get a license for web?
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   29/05/2024
If you are using the font in an image (PNG) for the head of your site and not embedding the font itself, a web license is not required. Your free desktop license covers this usage, even with modifications for design purposes.
myph  12/06/2024
It's been a decade and still relevant, thank Brody
Kim88  16/08/2024
Hi, I would love to use this font but am a bit confused from reading the license.
As it says on this website its 100% free and on it requires a purchase of $0.00 (Coolvetica Regular). My main concern is that I most likely would use this font on my website as my brand name uses the font but the other license below desktop license lists as "license annual" instead of pay once. Does that mean I have to buy this every year to use this font on my website?
Sorry for the inconvenience but it would be greatly appreciated if I can get some clarification. Thank you.
typodermic  autore di Coolvetica   17/08/2024
Thanks for your question about Coolvetica. Let me clarify:

Coolvetica Regular is indeed free for desktop use, including logos. For website use as live text, you need a separate web font license from MyFonts. Web licenses are typically annual to cover ongoing hosting and bandwidth. One-time purchase options may be available - check with MyFonts for details.
The free desktop license covers using Coolvetica in static website graphics.

If you need further clarification, feel free to contact me of the contact form.

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