Pubblicità di Shaped Fonts


Anteprima personalizzata
 1.253.707 scaricati (29 ieri)   Gratis per uso personale

9 commenti

Chloe5972  04/05/2017
Great font
phitradesign  autore di Coffee+Tea   04/05/2017
thanks! :)
cassiewiesman  08/06/2017
How do I make the coffee cup?! love this font
phitradesign  autore di Coffee+Tea   10/06/2017
@cassiewiesman Thanks! It's the regular "+" symbol but you get that and many other vector sketches as an .ai and .eps file if you download the full version on
siobhan01  30/06/2017
I'd love to have access to the numbers but I can't see the purchase price or how to purchase anywhere?
siobhan01  30/06/2017
Found it! Der. Sorry.
GWiz14  19/09/2018
I'd love to have access to the numbers but I can't see the purchase price or how to purchase anywhere?
alyse.mclhinney  02/10/2018
Hello. Does the commercial font have a smoother outline than the personal use?
adrihervier  22/04/2020
para poder instalarla tengo que comprar la fuente??

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