
Anteprima personalizzata
 3.646.884 scaricati (82 ieri)   Shareware

23 commenti

Fay Moana  12/02/2008
Hi James M. Harris,

I would love to use your font (commercially) but as I am 'new' in this field, I am not sure how to reach you (for a license). In case you read may want to ad some info about your own website. Thank you!
Jimmy83  08/06/2008

I would like to use the font on my business cards and on my logo. Possibly on my home page as well, but I do not know how I'm going to reach you for a license? (I live in Sweden)

Erinda  21/07/2008
I really like your Font What do i need to do to use it for my site?
tichoux  27/08/2008
Hi james,

I would like to use your font on business card and also create a logo but I don't know how to reach you for the licence?

Thank you,
Touchingpixels  22/09/2008
Hi James
I sent a cheque to your PO Box 377 Santa Rosa address and it was returned (to UK!) unable to deliver. Please advise how to pay you.
tichoux  24/09/2008
I again,

I really need to contact you to know how to get a licence for your Bellerose' font.
I try everything to get those informations but without any success.
Please, give me an e-mail or a web site where I can reach you or find answer to my questions.

Thanks a lot,
Aline (
styledev  26/02/2009
I got a hold of James M. Harris so I could pay him for this font. Please note the updated contact information.

James M. Harris
Graphic Design

2650 Tibburn Way
Colorado Springs, CO 80922-1281 (pay by paypal e-mail)
Vmercenaria  27/04/2009
About payment, I am much sorry, but it is not possible for anyone just to say :
hey, I have had a contact with the author and you can send the money to XXnn.
Anyone can write any address and what happens to the money then...
Since the author has not updated his own coordinates for payment, payment will unfortunatly remain impossible.  10/11/2009
Has anyone been able to get a commercial license for this font?

berenila  20/04/2010
Hello James,
Could you please send me your contact to discuss the conditions to license your font Bellerose. It's beautiful and i'd really like to use it for my website.
bonez  04/06/2010
Capone light font is almost identical to this font. If you Google it, you'll find it free somewhere online because I did.
scarlett73  18/11/2010
je souhaiterais utiliser cette police pour mes cartes de visites et mon site web professionnel
comment puis je procéder et est ce payant?????et si oui quel est alors le montant de ces droits d'utilisation??
et quelles est la marche à suivre
hunterfitch  08/07/2011
This font is a straight ripoff of Capone. Don't pay the "author" for this font.
scientistmum  26/10/2011
Hi James, I would love to use this font for my website. I pressed download and got a read only. How do I pay for it and use it? Thanks! Jenny
Utente cancellato 614040  13/12/2012
hi, i just want to clarify, i can use this font commercially if i buy it directly from you? please reply
harristype  autore di Bellerose   13/01/2013
Hello, I'm the original creator of this font. Although this font is based on Capone, it is not a straight ripoff as hunterfitch has stated. This font was created from scratch based on original drawings of Capone, and all sidebearings, metrics, and kerning was done by hand. Although my website at is down temporarily while I change registrars, you may still purchase the commercial version of Bellerose by sending a PayPal payment to in the amount of US $15. You will then be emailed the commercial version of Bellerose OpenType (the one here on dafont is an older, less complete TrueType version. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me.
harristype  autore di Bellerose   17/07/2013
Where to purchase the commercial version of Bellerose (OTF version):
harristype  autore di Bellerose   11/06/2014
I am currently working a creating a Bellerose Pro type family that will include Light, Regular, Medium, and Bold versions of Bellerose. Bellerose Pro Medium is now in our font store at

Anyone who purchases or has purchased Bellerose Light or Bellerose Pro Medium after January 1, 2014, will receive a discount on the Bellerose Pro family when released.
harristype  autore di Bellerose   11/06/2014
Please note that this is the original shareware version ($15 requested), and that the commercial version of Bellerose Light comes in OpenType format and supports more languages and has had many new characters added.
harristype  autore di Bellerose   25/08/2014
Bellerose Pro Medium has been released! There is no other version of Capone other than Capone Light. I am also working on a bold version, so there will be 3 weights in the Bellerose Pro font family. You can purchase Bellerose Pro Medium from my website at
lovelynene890  03/11/2014
I think this is lovely
harristype  autore di Bellerose   14/04/2016
After a few weeks of tweaking, Bellerose Pro Bold has been released. My next project is a redo of Bellerose Light to make it into the Pro series. Bellerose Bold is a commercial font and is now available at my website at for US$18. As soon as Bellerose Light is converted to the Pro version, all three fonts will be available as a family for a discount.
harristype  autore di Bellerose   25/11/2016
The Bellerose Pro Font Family is now available directly from my website. License includes all commercial use print and web projects. Also includes webfont versions. Visit my online store at

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