
Cityscape di Olive Atkins
 1.464.606 scaricati (6 ieri)   32 commenti   Gratis per uso personale
cityscape font.ttf
Note dell'autore
all 26 letters, only Capital letters, Frozen Numbers included, please let me know if you are going to use it for anything commercial or at least give me some credit. hope you enjoy :)I've had a few questions about what city/country each letter stands for:
A-atlanta B-boston C-chicago D-denver E-england F-france G-greece H-hong kong I-italy J-japan K-kuwait towers L-las vegas M-miami N-new york city O-orlando P-philadelphia Q-qatar R-rome S-seattle T-texas U-united kingdom V-venice W-washington dc X-xian(china) Y-yugoslavia Z-new zealand. Thanks again for all the downloads and positive feedback!

Visto per la prima volta su DaFont: 27/05/2012

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