Freestyler Ancient F6

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Freestyler Ancient F6 by ff8
 9,845 downloads (1 yesterday)   Demo
freestyler ancient f6(modified).ttf
Note of the author
This is FREESTYLER (Ancient family6) font (modified)

F and T are from family 8 (hence "modified")

This is a demo font and does not contain any numbers or special symbols as family 6 of FREESTYLE font family contains only capital letters

F and T from family 8 were included to make it appear more original than original F and T from family 6

free for personal use

copyright holder of FREESTYLER movie franchise is LAX CORP

First seen on DaFont: February 06, 2013

freestyler ancient f6(modified).ttf
Freestyler Ancient F6

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