The Eighteenth Amendment

The Eighteenth Amendment par Julia Holdnack
 33 442 téléchargements (1 hier)   Gratuit pour un usage personnel - 2 fichiers
TheEighteenthAmendment-BoldCaps - final.ttf
Note de l'auteur
This font is named "The Eighteenth Amendment" because I wanted it to have a 1920's prohibition/speakeasy/art deco vibe.

The Bold Caps version of this font contains 81 extra glyphs that are a collection of small, stylized common words and prepositions that can be used for artistic effect.

Please contact me at to purchase the font for commercial use.

Mise en ligne sur DaFont : 18/05/2017

TheEighteenthAmendment-BoldCaps - final.ttf


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