
Mermaid à  par Scott Simpson
dans Basique > Serif
 3 103 021 téléchargements (258 hier)   37 commentaires   Gratuit pour un usage personnel - 2 fichiers
Mermaid Swash Caps.ttf
Note de l'auteur
Mermaid is a high contrast transitional serif face with round, smooth curves. It contains swash caps and a basic set of diacriticals and special characters. Mermaid is free for personal and student use, but donations are very much appreciated!

For commercial use, please pay whatever amount you feel is appropriate by clicking on 'Donate to author' below the download button, or directly through PayPal to In the description, please include the name of the license purchaser (you, your client, or your company) and the name of the font. It's not required to hold a license agreement but if your company requires that one, or for other questions, email me at

Mise en ligne sur DaFont : 03/09/2012 - Mise à jour : 19/09/2012

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