Hello Honey

Hello Honey à  par Ef Studio 
 6 718 593 téléchargements (612 hier)   52 commentaires   Gratuit pour un usage personnel
hello honey.otf
Note de l'auteur
Features : Beginning & Ending Swash, Connecting Heart, & Ligatures.

Please contact me before any commercial use.
My fonts for free use are allowed only in personal projects, and non-profit.
If you make money from using my fonts, Please purchase a commercial license.

Commercial license
-> https://efstudiotype.com/hello-honey-a-chic-script-font/

-> https://creativemarket.com/Ef_Studio/4743473-hello-honey-a-chic-script-font

-> https://fontbundles.net/ef-studio/522721-hello-honey-a-chic-script-font#gtmPos=1>mList=14

For corporate license, contact me via email

Contact me at efstudio2@gmail.com
And follow my Instagram for update: @luthfi_ef

If you want DONATE click here http://www.paypal.me/luthfief
I really appreciate your donations.

Thank you :)

Mise en ligne sur DaFont : 30/03/2020

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Liens :  On snot and fonts