Pub de dcoswitch


2 posts

Posts par pablitoial

thanks vinz for your effort :P

i tried to translate the readme on Google Translator but didnt get much wiser. Maby someone else can understand it better then me?

"Terms of distribution, copyrights, etc.
This font is freeware. Please use freely.
This font copyright Aokiatsushi reserved. Acts of piracy and please refrain. The author for damages through the use of this software 何Naru shall not be liable.
Although it is about distribution reproduction, distribution reproduction is prohibited on the network.
Also, when used in the commercial is, and not essentially. If a commercial use in your E-mail to the author please contact us.
Thank you to the following email address and you have your opinion demands of your bug report feedback"

I guess i have to mail them if i want to use it for commercial use? Has anyone been able to contact the author? I also found the website and as you say vinz, it's not online. It's seems that the easy way to go is to just find another font but this one is perfect :P


06/05/2010 à 22:51  [post initial]  Using AdCityBoy for commercial use

Hi, I downloaded a font called "AdCityBoy" and want to use it in a logo. I see that a lot of other members have had the same problem. (i guess)
Has someone figured this out? If anyone knows the answer please help me



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