
21 posts

Posts par FontKawaiiCo


01/12/2023 à 00:51  [post initial]  Update on my submitted fonts?

Hello dafont,

According to my records I submitted a font in August 2021, another one in February 2022 and another in January of 2023. None of these have been approved, are there issues with my fonts?

Thank you in advance

14/10/2021 à 02:55  [réponse]  How long font uploading

I uploaded some fonts in March so 6 months later should have been in September, is there an issue with the fonts I submitted in March? Or will they be published in the next update maybe?

Hello, can you give me an update on the fonts I have submitted? I believe some of them were submitted in early March and would love to know when they might be going up if they are approved,

Thank you

14/07/2021 à 09:38  [post initial]  Volunteering for approvals?


I really love dafont & love the fonts & community here. I was wondering if it's possible to volunteer and donate some of my time to reviewing and approving fonts that people submit? I would love to help out the community, and it seems like since it takes such a long time for new fonts to be approved that maybe you could use some more volunteers to help out so I just wanted to see if it was possible or wanted.

Let me know,
Thank you

07/04/2021 à 04:38  [post initial]  Are multiple accounts allowed?

Hello all, I was wondering if we're allowed to have multiple accounts? I want to make fonts in different styles and keep them separated by different accounts so they're not all under the same name. Is that ok?

If so, can I also hook more than one account up to the same google adsense account?

Thanks for your help in advance.

04/04/2021 à 08:46  [réponse]  Fontspace approval?

Hmm, I see. All of my fonts are properly kerned and spaced so I don't think that's an issue for me. My first two submissions took a few days to go live but the rest have been in review for nearly a month.

I used the site's contact form from the link in the footer a few weeks ago and asked them how long approval took and never heard back from them. When was the last time you contacted them and had a response?

04/04/2021 à 01:09  [réponse]  Fontspace approval?

Oh that's interesting. I reached out to another designer on fontspace and he said that it takes about a week to have each of their fonts approved but mine have been sitting unapproved for a few weeks now. I wonder if there is something wrong with my account or something, I wish they would respond to my messages and let me know what's up.

Hi all, I have been using adsense with dafont for a little over a month now and yesterday I got an email from adsense saying they're "placing an ad serving limit on my account" and "the number of ads you can show has been limited" and now no ads are showing up on my font pages at all. The only place I use adsense is on dafont and fontspace, I'm not sure which website triggered the issue. But I have never clicked an ad on either site and have no idea what the issue could be as I don't click ads ever and don't even know how this is possible. Has anyone else had this issue and do you know a solution?

Thanks in advance

19/03/2021 à 02:22  [post initial]  Fontspace approval?

Hi all, I know this isn't related to Dafont and I apologize but fontspace has no forum and has very little information on their site and they aren't responding to my messages lol. So does anyone else upload their fonts to fontspace and about how long do they take to approve your fonts? My first 3 went through very quickly but my next 3 are taking a long time to be approved. Would love to know what your experiences have been with this. Thanks in advance!

16/03/2021 à 04:22  [réponse]  Are readme files mandatory?

Ok I see, thank you!

15/03/2021 à 00:27  [post initial]  Are readme files mandatory?

Hello everyone, I'm wondering if readme files are mandatory or can fonts still be approved without a readme.txt submitted? Thanks in advance

01/03/2021 à 00:39  [réponse]  Caps Only Submission?

Thank you for your answer frd.

27/02/2021 à 04:14  [post initial]  Caps Only Submission?

Hello everyone, I recently submitted two fonts that have a full character set of caps A-Z but not lowercase letters. I realized after I submitted them that I remember reading somewhere that the fonts we submit are supposed to have A-z available which I assume means that you have to have lowercase letters as well. Is that the case? Will my fonts be rejected for not having lowercase letters? Should I re-submit the two fonts I submitted if so? Thanks for your help in advance.

25/02/2021 à 16:55  [réponse]  Adsense Activation?

Yay they're showing up now! Thanks for your help!

23/02/2021 à 19:28  [réponse]  Adsense Activation?

Oh good idea, I just tried that and now it says it's getting ready.

Hope it works!

22/02/2021 à 19:23  [réponse]  Adsense Activation?

Here is what it shows when I roll over "needs attention":

And here is what it shows when I click on "show details"

22/02/2021 à 14:46  [réponse]  Adsense Activation?

On my adsense dashboard there is a message but it is only about a different site that isn't dafont related

When I click on the "sites" tab, I have dafont listed because I tried to add the site manually and it tells me that it isn't ready to show ads:

But I don't know if I even had to put dafont in the sites tab manually since the dafont google adsense page ( ) didn't say anything about doing this, I just thought it might work

Also I don't have a "Channel ID" put in on dafont but it says it's optional so I don't think I have to worry about it?

From the dafont adsense page again, it says:
"Make sure that the "Sites authorized to show ads" feature in your AdSense account is either set to "Allow any site to show ads for my account", or that is listed under your authorized sites.
You can check it through: Home > Account settings > Access and authorization > Sites authorized to show ads"

However I think this info is out of date because I can't find anywhere on adsense where I can select all sites to authorize my ads being shown, and there is no "account settings" under "Home" (there is home > account > settings > "Account information" OR "Personal Settings" but neither of these have any settings called access and authorization and I couldn't find that anywhere on adsense)

21/02/2021 à 15:43  [réponse]  Adsense Activation?

Hello, the ads are still not showing up for my account, can you please help me? Thank you

12/02/2021 à 12:39  [réponse]  Adsense Activation?

Ok, thank you for letting me know! I will check again in another week or so.

12/02/2021 à 11:51  [réponse]  Adsense Activation?

Hello, I do have an ad blocker installed however I turned it off for as well as for Adsense. I have checked in incognito mode on my regular browser as well as on my phone browser (which has no ad blocker) and the ads are not displaying in either place.

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