

6 posts

imagem do i

24/02/2011 à 15:29

Solicito que por favor consigam identificar a fonte da letra i de 10ine na logo pois perdemos a fonte e não estamos conseguindo acha-la, obrigado

imagem do i

Police identifiée

Bickham Script  Suggérée par SashiX 

Police suggérée

Ballpark Weiner  Suggérée par zevobh 

24/02/2011 à 17:32

Please I lost the name of the source and am in dire need, I only found variations of this source, would appreciate if someone help me.

24/02/2011 à 18:09

like this?
Police suggérée : Ballpark Weiner

25/02/2011 à 09:08

It's difficult to identifie a font with only one letter...

Édité le 25/02/2011 à 09:08 par Menhir

07/03/2011 à 17:55

Looks like Bickham Script (regular) forced to bold

UPDATE: well, looks very similar in my opinion

Police identifiée : Bickham Script

Édité le 07/03/2011 à 18:19 par SashiX

07/03/2011 à 19:35

wow, nice!

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