

7 posts

Help! What are each of these fonts!?

01/02/2011 à 05:29

hellpppp! i want the font for love, like, and woe!! and are these hearts from a font??

Help! What are each of these fonts!?

Polices identifiées

Pea Weenie  Suggérée par Rodolphe 
Pea Missy Cursive  Suggérée par rocamaco 
Pea Paula  Suggérée par rocamaco 

Police suggérée

Dawning of a New Day  Suggérée par mirkhai 

01/02/2011 à 07:13

Police identifiée : Pea Weenie

11/02/2011 à 01:32

thank youu!! if you could find the other two id really appreciate it, i have been looking everywhere for that font!!

11/02/2011 à 08:21

i found the "like" one. but its not the exact font.
but i prefer this one:
Police suggérée : Dawning of a New Day

11/02/2011 à 08:50

"Pea Missy Cursive" for "like"...
Police identifiée : Pea Missy Cursive

11/02/2011 à 08:59

"Pea Paula" for "woe"..
Police identifiée : Pea Paula

20/02/2011 à 09:09

thank you all soo much(:

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