

2 posts

HELP URGENTLY REQUIRED! Can you help me identify a Font please?

29/06/2012 à 12:55

Dear All

I'm trying to identify the font used for the words "Transform Fitness" on the logo on their website I've spent hours going through fonts but can't find it. This is a new client and their logo was designed by someone else.

Anyone out there who can please help - I would be HUGELY grateful.

Marianne Talbot

HELP URGENTLY REQUIRED! Can you help me identify a Font please?

Édité le 29/06/2012 à 12:58 par drf_

Police identifiée

Arista Pro  Suggérée par fivos 

29/06/2012 à 15:03

Hi Marianne,

this is Arista 2.0 by zetafonts
Police identifiée : Arista Pro

Édité le 29/06/2012 à 16:03 par drf_

Fuseau horaire : CET. Il est actuellement 13:36

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