

9 posts

Boyfriend Font pleaseee

24/03/2012 à 03:46

and 'Justin Bieber' font

Boyfriend Font pleaseee

Édité le 24/03/2012 à 03:48 par livininUK

Police identifiée

Couture  Suggérée par styrofoamballs 

Polices suggérées

Gotham  Suggérée par frd 
Proxima Nova  Suggérée par chungyanshun 

12/04/2012 à 05:30

Police suggérée : Proxima Nova

12/04/2012 à 09:31

Police suggérée : Gotham

07/06/2012 à 06:48

This isn't Gotham. The same font used in this cover is the same font used in "Die In Your Arms".
The "S" from that cover doesn't match that of Gotham.

I have discovered the designers, who ever they are, are using Couture; which is mine. Not only that, but this font is being used commercially.
I am in the process of dealing with this matter.
Police identifiée : Couture

Édité le 07/06/2012 à 11:25 par drf_

07/06/2012 à 09:53

They must have changed the "E" ?

But for the rest, you're 100% right.

Well, the things is, you can't always prevent people from doing bad things. But yes, when you see these kind of things, as far as I'm concerned, the best thing to do is to contact the author/manager (shouldn't that be his father or his mom ? ) and make them notice they did something bad, if you see what I mean. Then, I'm sorry, but even if it says here, on, that the font is free for personal use, it's only lightly stated in your licence text file - but it IS stated, anyway. And you're not even sure they got the font from here, it could have been downloaded someplace else. Anyway, that's just a detail.

Hey, in the end, fucking good news, ain't it ? The kid who makes every girl under 11 go completely mad is using your font

Well of course, you could still have been wishing for a real artist, but that's life

07/06/2012 à 10:30

drf_ a dit  
They must have changed the "E" ?

I was thinking the same thing.

drf_ a dit  

But for the rest, you're 100% right.

Well, the things is, you can't always prevent people from doing bad things. But yes, when you see these kind of things, as far as I'm concerned, the best thing to do is to contact the author/manager (shouldn't that be his father or his mom ? ) and make them notice they did something bad, if you see what I mean. Then, I'm sorry, but even if it says here, on, that the font is free for personal use, it's only lightly stated in your licence text file - but it IS stated, anyway. And you're not even sure they got the font from here, it could have been downloaded someplace else. Anyway, that's just a detail.

Hey, in the end, fucking good news, ain't it ? The kid who makes every girl under 11 go completely mad is using your font

It [Couture] needs an update anyway. A few glyphs were lazily designed. If they did get it from here, the sad thing is there is a link to my blog, which has a link to my email.
If they didn't get it from dafont, I'll have to find out who was distributing it and why. Good thing I keep all source files locked away. The .vfb last save was 2/20/12. Solid proof. Two days later it showed up on here.

drf_ a dit  

Well of course, you could still have been wishing for a real artist, but that's life

07/06/2012 à 10:43

styrofoamballs a dit  
If they didn't get it from dafont, I'll have to find out who was distributing it and why. Good thing I keep all source files locked away. The .vfb last save was 2/20/12. Solid proof. Two days later it showed up on here.

Well, the thing is, not every website is as "author friendly" as dafont is. Take this thread for example. Many websites just "suck" the content of others. You can still try to contact the webmasters behind these kind of websites, but honestly, I'm pretty sure it would be too much time consuming, for a result that will be very disappointing.

Then, of course I understand it's very frustrating to see this kind of things. But take a look at it this way : [Hollywood trailer voice] They used your font without the legal authorization. They're wrong. They're big. They should have done the right thing. They didn't. Now you're mad and asking for revenge. [HTV off]

If I were you, I would just show up - even by email, uh, you don't wanna be stalking - and say "Hi, I'm [put your name here] the guy you stole from. As you wouldn't like me to download your music illegally, I don't want you to use my font illegally. But hey, I'm sure we can find an arrangement (please note that my Bank Account [put number here] doesn't accept CD from whatever artist is on your label, but only Dollars with some zeros). [add some lawyer stuff]. Yours sincerely, kiss on the cheek, [Sign]".

I'm pretty sure they'll be comprehensive. Then you can walk the street with a t-shirt "I'm the guy who designed Justin Bieber's font"

Unfortunately, you're neither the first, nor the last person, to whom this will happen

Édité 2 fois. Dernière édition le 07/06/2012 à 10:47 par drf_

07/06/2012 à 11:06

Of all people who complain about infringement and theft....

I tweeted it. lol
I'll send an email around lunch today.

Édité le 07/06/2012 à 11:13 par styrofoamballs

21/01/2013 à 01:42

LOL I was looking for his name logo thing, foundthis and scrolled out of curiousity. Interesting read. Hope they pay well for the font!

They probably just cropped the E to make it even.

Fuseau horaire : CET. Il est actuellement 10:52

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