Pub de Johan_W



5 posts

What font is this?

16/11/2017 à 23:03

does anyone know what font is used (UPERCASE) such as: TITLE, ASSIGNEE, ASSIGNOR,..


What font is this?

Police suggérée

Sackers Gothic  Suggérée par pilaster 

16/11/2017 à 23:48

Tiny sample not very helpful, but could be Sackers Gothic (Heavy). See also Engravers Gothic, Sweet Sans and possibly Copperplate Gothic, as the sample so small that it could have serifs…
Police suggérée : Sackers Gothic

16/11/2017 à 23:52

Thanks for your suggest!!

17/11/2017 à 00:25

pogy111 a dit  
Thanks for your suggest!!

Find a bigger sample and we can probably 'narrow the field' down to a winner…

17/11/2017 à 00:27

I will Try!!

Best Regards

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