

16 posts

Could someone indentify all these fonts for me? :)

12/03/2014 à 16:00

Hello, does someone know which these fonts are?



Could someone indentify all these fonts for me? :)

Polices identifiées

Bank Gothic Light  Suggérée par marty666 
Linkin Park  Suggérée par frd 

Police suggérée

Futura Extra Black  Suggérée par marty666 

12/03/2014 à 16:12

Police suggérée : Futura Extra Black

12/03/2014 à 16:14

Police identifiée : Bank Gothic Light

12/03/2014 à 16:26

Thanks Daaams!

Does anyone else know the name of the "Atoma" font?

12/03/2014 à 16:50

Police identifiée : Linkin Park

12/03/2014 à 16:51

is it a joke ? why is this even on Dafont ??

12/03/2014 à 16:53

Well, Chase made a font out of Linkin Park's logo, which was based on Futura

12/03/2014 à 16:55

this lazy bastard stole the font, stretched 3 letters, and removed all special chars and numbers.

big shit (like linkin park)

Édité le 12/03/2014 à 16:56 par marty666

12/03/2014 à 16:58

Aaaah, Linkin Park, I'm 16 again

12/03/2014 à 16:59

u serious ?
say it again and you're banned !

12/03/2014 à 17:00

anyway i want to mark the Futura Extra Black as an exact answer
it's sad to advertise for such a crappy font

12/03/2014 à 17:03

It's just it went out when I was 16 and every girl was in love with Mike Shinoda back then I had a girlfriend who changed her name to "Shinoda" on every single profile she had online

Yeah, I know that Futura Extra Black is damn close, but still, the Linkin Park one is the green one

12/03/2014 à 17:09

whatever, if Excluso needs punctuation || numbers, it will be fun to switch from a font to the other

13/03/2014 à 13:29

Thank you both a-lot !

13/03/2014 à 14:10

you're welcome

13/03/2014 à 14:12

Fuseau horaire : CET. Il est actuellement 10:52

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