Pub de Salman Boosty


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36 commentaires

Ocean Girl  20/01/2010
this font is über cool. i love it!
Salman Boosty  auteur de Orial   23/01/2010
thank you for appreciating and loving my orial...
NikhilVerma  28/01/2010
I created this account just to tell you how awesome this font is ! :)
Salman Boosty  auteur de Orial   29/01/2010
thank you very much NikhilVerma...I feel honored.
xeeneeizee  30/01/2010
Very nice!
Salman Boosty  auteur de Orial   30/01/2010
Thank you xeeneeizee
vanessa1630  03/02/2010
This is so beautiful! Thanks for making the white parts transparent.
Salman Boosty  auteur de Orial   04/02/2010
thank you for appreciating Vanessa...
Juno  18/02/2010
i tried to make something useful with this font...
inferno5  24/03/2010
May I use this font on a flyer at my school or facebook?
relaxagram  28/03/2010
This font makes me happy - I might use it on a flyer too.
cbjackson  02/05/2010

I work for a digital private press publisher in the US and have an author that would like to use this font in her novel as the first character of each chapter. I am happy to make a donation. But, do I have permission to use this font for commercial use?

Also, this is my first time with What is the compatibility with Mac OX 10.6?

Thank, Claudia
JEWEL123  06/05/2010
coollllllllll. i like it.
pistolas85b  28/05/2010
the best
Salman Boosty  auteur de Orial   30/05/2010
thanks all...use it and enjoy it...don't forget to read the readme.txt file...:D
laurealus  23/06/2010
This is an extraordinary and highly creative font. Congratulations.
The inner white design in a black "thick" font base is amazing.
AHMED.E.Z  06/08/2010
Mara Ibiza  11/09/2010
Simply Beautiful
katkhe  15/11/2010
Salman Boosty  auteur de Orial   25/11/2010
thanks for all...God Bless all of You
chumaedi  29/11/2010
keren Mas....., ijin donlod yo!
Salman Boosty  auteur de Orial   09/01/2011
yup karepmu u'...
penak  25/01/2011
ninjaton  15/07/2011
Very artistic! Reminds me of coffee & cream :)
STILOB  21/07/2011
i would like to use this of all. but keeps sayin compressed folder is empty...
Tappz_TAP  02/08/2011
Hi would it be possible for me to use this font on a Clothing Design please?
mianakitty  09/10/2011
It's so cute... It reminds me of Indonesian Batik (printed fabric).... :)
RandiQueen  11/10/2011
RAGGLEFRAGGLE!! I probably sound like a jerk right now, but after installing, my antivirus said this gave me a TROJAN!? I'm flipping out right now, just please fix this... TT^TT
anthoice  06/03/2012
Hi! We're a band from Italy and we really love this font, we would like to use in the front of our record cover, Can we use it? We're not a famous band so I don't know if it could be considered as a commercial use. But our songs will be available on itunes so they will be on sale..
cygumil  28/09/2013
Fontnya sangat indah..,
Mohon ijin untuk digunakan pada toko online saya,
Zitouni  03/12/2013
Just wanted you to know that I used your fond for a tattoo :). It's awesome!
Utilisateur supprimé 778800  19/04/2014
Another font listed as "free" but the README says free for personal/non-commercial use only. Please change the category to "free for personal use." Thanks!
Salman Boosty  auteur de Orial   05/12/2014
thanks all...use it and enjoy it...don't forget to read the readme.txt file...:D
Deme Rahmata  13/06/2016
Thanks a lot for this font.
bmf.16  13/12/2016
Não consegui doar. meus cartão paypal já cancelei, tentei o pré-pago do PagSeguro e não consegui. Obrigado
bearskiidoo  23/01/2019
love it! I Would like to use this for commercial use. Please send me an email at

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