Pub de Lauren Thompson


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34 commentaires

princessfairy123  09/02/2009
This is so pretty it makes me feel like a 'fairy princess' Like James Tremain!
BigBrawn  10/02/2009
This font needs a lot work if you want to enlarge it for graphic use. A lot of the characters look like crap up close. This isn't the first time I've seen this here on Dafont, but hey, what do you expect for free, right?

If you're going to spend the time doing it, then god damn it, do it right!
michiel_terpelle  12/02/2009
If you don't like it, why don't you just make a better one...
LaurenRuth  auteur de Nymphette   12/02/2009
Hmmm. I made the calligraphic scrolls "by hand" in my font software, I thought they looked pretty swell but I suppose my opinion might be biased since I know how each figure began.
ellianth  13/02/2009
I personally thought this font was amazing. You've done a fine job making it. Keep up the great work Pseudo.
LaurenRuth  auteur de Nymphette   13/02/2009
Thank you ellianth, and all of you who have commented your appreciation of this font, princessfairy123, michiel terpelle!

How pleased I am to hear a different perspective on my font! Without your comments, I really would not know. It is quite a relief that Nymphette might not suck, and might actually be useful as I had intended it to be.

I value all opinions, but I'm glad the one of
Mr. BigBrawn is not the only one :)

I would like to address the statement, "This isn't the first time I've seen this here on Dafont,"

As a matter of fact, Mr. BigBrawn, it is.
You may; however, have seen some of the shapes depicted in this font, as they depict centuries-old calligraphy text ornaments and embellishments. Well, except T,U, and V. I did create those myself. :) I thought they were pretty enough to be included, maybe I am a bit arrogant.

Much like how you have seen a serif or a sans serif typeface before, but there seems to be endless room for new variations, you most likely have seen a majority of the designs in this font.

And, I have seen (brace yourselves) other fonts that depict some of the very same designs as in this font. Shocking! (sarcasm)

Nymphette is my rendition and compilation of ornamentations I personally have found typographically useful and aesthetically pleasing, that I thought deserved to be placed together, such as, in a dingbat font.

And I shouldn't have to clarify this, but I will just incase, Nymphette in it's entirity, was created by myself. Yours truly. Pixels and points and contours thank you very much. (Making the character displayed in lowercase u,v,y and x was particularly enjoyable)

Okay, that said, to the naysayers, I make no apologies. I welcome all comments and feedback, so carry on, carry on! As for me, I think I have said quite enough! Thank you all for your comments, really :)
SeriouslyJerome  30/03/2009
I love this font! It's like swirls on a cupcake - yum! Can I contact you about using this font for commercial purposes?
LaurenRuth  auteur de Nymphette   30/03/2009
SeriouslyJerome, this is my one and only freebie, you may use this font commercially as well as personaly as you wish. Paypal donations are appreciated but not required for the commercial use of this particular font. Enjoy!
ThankU4Fontz  11/05/2009
Help! This font (which I love) won't show up on my Mac. Am I doing something wrong??
LaurenRuth  auteur de Nymphette   13/05/2009
I'm sorry I only made it a windows true type.... :(
BarrHanc  20/05/2009
Please check the validity of the master copy on the site. Both I and a friend at a separate site get error messages when trying to unzip the file.
One error says that the file is corrupt. A different one says that the next part of a multi-partition medium is needed.
linkot  27/05/2009
I downloaded the pretty scrolls but can't unzip the file. Indicates it is corrupted!?
koeiekat  13/06/2009
It unzips perfectly.
LaurenRuth  auteur de Nymphette   14/09/2009
ty kk btw
StreetLingaz  27/10/2009
Great Work. I can see these coming in handy. :)
LaurenRuth  auteur de Nymphette   01/11/2009
Thanks I hoe it does :)
osin144  28/12/2009
I'm sorry PseudoNympho, but I'm going to have to agree with BigBrawn here. These are beautiful flourishes, until they're blown up. ( Maybe this is because its a Windows TTF and we're on Macs? I think what he is saying is that he's seen shotty craftsmanship on dafont here. But hey it's free!
LaurenRuth  auteur de Nymphette   12/01/2010
@osin144 - I agree with you and Big Brawn on the fact that it's not so perfect, I only disagreed with the "seen this before" argument really.

As a matter of fact, this was one of my first ever font creations, though this font remains popular & people still like it a lot, it does not take too close of an inspection to see that the characters have a lot a lot of points.

This font totally could use an update. You know what, matter of fact, I think I will start on that right away, it's long overdue.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Sorry if I was a bit harsh, I must have been having a bad day or something :P
lpierce  27/08/2010
I just wanted to say, I think this font is GREAT. I needed to make a divider for a Save the Date card, and so I used the font in addition to some of my own design and it came out perfect :) Good job on your design! Keep up the good work.
LaurenRuth  auteur de Nymphette   28/08/2010
Thank you so much :)
Tangerine789  21/11/2010
This font if beautiful! I've used it for numerous address labels. Thanks a ton :]
P.S.- I have a Mac and was easily capable downloading this font. Maybe other Mac users are missing a step? G'luck!
Tappz_TAP  21/06/2011
Hi do u mind if i use this font for comercial use please?
LaurenRuth  auteur de Nymphette   29/06/2011
Tappz TAP yes you may use this font commercially
sherminaali  11/07/2011
A truly elegant and original font. Please may I have your consent to use this with my business logo?
LaurenRuth  auteur de Nymphette   19/07/2011
@sherminaali Yes you may.
jessicanicole  07/08/2012
Very elegant, I love these <3 (:
Lynetx570  23/09/2014
Thank you for this font! Quite often, I will be doing projects and need graceful ornaments around a script font as if they were part of it, and this matches well to a great many scripts that I use.
ladyoflady  26/01/2015
i love this. can I use this for my designs in my zazzle store please..thanks
Rafael Escriva  15/04/2015
Hello! Beautiful typography! I would like to use your font for commercial purposes, is it possible to use it in any brochures and catalogue editing software? Please may I have your consent to use this font? Please Let me know by email thank you very much
brewski189  10/12/2016
Love this!! May I have your permission for commercial use with my sign making business? Can you please reply to my email so I may have consent on hand. Thank you so much!
damontry  08/08/2017
Its quite lovely!
achely  28/09/2018
Can I use commercially? Please email me at

Thank you
MichelleA  03/07/2020
I have tried numerous times to download your font. Each time I try to use it in inkscape the font does not load correctly. It shows a letter versus a swoosh. I don't know what the problem is. Any idea of how I can correct it?
kferris  08/01/2024
Can this be used for commercial purposes such in cards and t-shirts? TIA

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