Market Deco

 3 180 306 téléchargements (200 hier)   Gratuit pour un usage personnel

96 commentaires

Menhir  28/09/2006
Police légère et très élégante.
Heron2001  22/10/2006
Is this Steve who works at Berkley Books - NY?
Anyway, whether it is or isn't - wonderful job on the font.
I know one person who will be delighted with it -
puppets  auteur de Market Deco   28/10/2006
Hello Heron,
Sorry no. Thank you, glad you like it!
jda781  25/09/2007
Does anyone know where I can get more info on this font??? I am doing a project with it and I need information about the artist and the font itself... Please help!
khadeja  10/03/2009
I'm trying to get in touch with Steve Ferrera re licensing Market Deco.

Steve, please can you get in touch with me on
emma72  06/04/2009
i too would like to get in touch with steve ferrera in order to know the cost of the use of the market deco font. thanks for contacting me at the following e-mail address :
nosleephotel  20/04/2009
Steve, can you please email me regarding licensing information? I'd like to use this font in the near future. My email can be found under my account (click "nosleephotel").

amyrosedesign  11/05/2009
I would like to pay for use of this font. contact me @

thank you.
tinamac  01/07/2009
I would like to find out how much it would cost to use this font for commercial purposes. Steve, please contact me on

Many thanks.
davidhiles  14/08/2009
Hi Steve,
Please could you get in touch:
jeng69  02/09/2009
hi, steve. Great font. I would like to get some info on using this font for commercial purposes. Please e-mail me at artnzen(at)
fontinfo  09/10/2009
Hi Steve
I am looking to implement this font in an organisation that will be widely used, is this free, please confirm.


Steve p
AndyB  09/10/2009
Hi Steve, we are a font reseller & have a clinet who wishes to use Market Deco font for commercial purposes.

The customer is going to be putting this on their Terminal Server, which is obviously available to a large number of users, however not many will be using the font.

Do you have a site licences available for this and what kind of price breaks we’re looking at?

Please could you contact me E:
bschlegel  22/10/2009
Has anyone had success in finding out about licensing info for commercial purposes? If so, please email me at bethany(at)

Thank you!
bschlegel  22/10/2009
Hi all! My super sleuth husband found this link with an email for Steve that might work if you haven't heard from him via the forum.
Zack 72  10/04/2010
hey i love this font i was wondering if i could use it for commercial use? if you could please e-mail that would be great. me my email is
marihaa  27/04/2010
As many others here i too am wondering if i could use it for commercial use? Working on a website for a movie theater i would love to be able to use it there. Please e-mail me at

andyboise  17/05/2010
I would also like to find out how much it would cost to use this font for commercial purposes!

please email me at
puppets  auteur de Market Deco   20/05/2010
Not for commercial use.
saachi  06/12/2010
^ Ouch, lol.
puppets  auteur de Market Deco   12/12/2010
:) sorry
shelbyrk  06/01/2011
Hi Steve,
I'm interested in using your Market Deco font for a small non-profit commercial piece. Please email me at with the next steps so I can use it legally for this piece.

J.B.  12/03/2011
Thanks for the font. I love the 30s deco style -- I've been longing for one. Just made a fan cover.
joel yum  16/05/2011
Hi Steve,
Is this font still not for sale for commercial use? I want to use it for a small 2 person photography business. Please email me at

Dede-Koko  26/05/2011
Hello i want to use your police for a self published book.
How much it would cost?
Please email me at
puppets  auteur de Market Deco   28/05/2011
Thank you for your interest in the font.

Sorry, at this time the fonts are not for sale, nor can it be used for commercial or publication purposes. [copyright protection to a client.]

It is only freeware for private use only.
Thanks again,
jack_of_knaves  08/11/2011

I'm the creator of the poster that's being used for in the example image. I would like to be attributed with the credit of that creation. If that's not possible, I kindly request that you not use my work.

Thank you very much,

Matthew Faustini
Maria_Garcia  19/01/2012
Hi Steve, where can i buy the font for a logo proyect?
excellent job!
puppets  auteur de Market Deco   31/01/2012
Thank you for your interest in the font.

Sorry, at this time the fonts are not for sale, nor can it be used for commercial or publication purposes. [copyright protection to a client.]

It is only freeware for private use only.
Thanks again,
bstreet  23/07/2012
HI I need to discuss terms for using this font steve quite urgently. could you get intouch with me at thanks very much.
Utilisateur supprimé 581369  12/09/2012
Yay! I love the color spectrum. Been looking for this forever!
sman5612  27/09/2012
Hey Steve I want to start by saying this is my favorite font I have ever found, you are a truly skilled typographer. that said I am a web design student looking for a title font for my first portfolio, I dont plan on selling anything but myself will you consider this personal use?

Sam -
puppets  auteur de Market Deco   29/09/2012
Hello Sam,
Thank you for your interest in the font.
You have permission to use the font
Thanks again,
abc.asteios  10/11/2012
in SPAIN (ESPAÑA for us) we really nedd a Ñ in this font. I use it for private texts and projects but without Ñ I can't use it so usually as I could do it... Thanks for a Ñ character
puppets  auteur de Market Deco   23/11/2012
I will update for you.
thank you for bringing this to me attention.

mjkfb  28/11/2012
I love this font and would like to pay for it's use. Steve please email me at
WM3DAS  30/11/2012
Looks like the FIAT spot font. Just a great font.
saxell  07/12/2012
Hi! Do you have cyrillic Market Deco? Thanks.
puppets  auteur de Market Deco   23/12/2012
Not available yet. Will be working on it. thanks Steve
saxell  24/12/2012
thanks, I'll wait
alisabobzien  07/02/2013
Great font! Except only the numbers are appearing after installation - where are the letters and rest of the characters? (Mac OSX)

gabribike  19/02/2013
Ciao Steve. Great font! I would like to get some info on using this font for commercial purposes. Steve please contact me at Thank you!
MiaFag  19/03/2013
Hello Best Steve!
Your font have travel all the way to my small place in Norway. I have a question about the limit of use. In small scale, f o a local, I create own prints with big motive and small text. If I use market deco on one or two prints, as long as I keep it in small scale, would that be ok?
Best regards, Maria
Creative Jojo  09/04/2013
Hello Steve, this is probably the best font I have ever stumbled upon, great work! I am a graphic design student working on my first project for a non profit organization. Is it possible for me to use this font for their official logo that will be shown on print and web material?
puppets  auteur de Market Deco   20/05/2013
Thank you for your interest in the font.

Sorry, at this time the fonts are not for sale, nor can it be used for commercial or publication purposes. [copyright protection to a client.]

Thanks again,
cbx47  19/07/2013
look for tan bionica's destinologia
slerin  29/08/2013
Hi Steve,
Love the font! I'm making some wedding invites for a friend as a favour, not as a commission. And would love to use this font for some of the body copy. I was wondering if you would consider this personal use as I'm not receiving any money from the use of your font? Hope you're having a lovely day!
tessarion  31/01/2014
Hi, I would like to use this font for the custom thumbnails on my podcast's videos on YouTube. We receive donations sometimes, but we don't make money otherwise. I love this font, is it alright if I use it in that way? I am fairly sure that doesn't count as 'commercial' use but I am not positive.
joshuamonahan  24/03/2014
Hi, Please can you get in touch. I wish to use this for commercial use.
Tindra_Lindgren  06/06/2014
Hi Steve! This font is amazing, versatile and elegant. I would like to use it to promote a free pubblic event organized by myself and schoolmate, here in Italy. It will appear only on one facebook banner (for max. one week) and 20 A3 posters. Is it feasible? Please contact me here,
juergen0002  15/10/2014
hi, i need some more letters.

do you have Ä, Ü and Ö?
moyaehlers  24/10/2014
Hi Steve. I too would like to pay to use this font for a logo. My email address is Thank you! Kind regards
tta  05/02/2015
I would like to find out how much it would cost to use this font for commercial purposes. Steve, please contact me on

Many thanks.
dolors  26/04/2015
I would like to know what it will cost to use this font for a logo, mi e-mail is
thanks !
jeremyhoop  28/05/2015
I would like to know the cost of this font for a CD cover. We intend to use it as our band's brand font, so we would use it on all social media sites, on tshirts, etc...also do you sell vector images so that we can scale the font for large banners? My email is
vitaminico  16/06/2015
Hi Steve, your font styles amaze me.
I'm a young webdesigner, I would like to use this font for my personal logo. I dont plan on selling anything but myself. Will you consider this personal use?

Thank you for your kindness.
Elsa38  25/09/2015
Hi Steve ! Great job ! I would like to know how much it would cost to use your font for a logo. My email adress :
Thank you ! Kind regards
sudirrr  06/10/2015
Hi Steve, I love this font, could I use it on my blog? I will never sell it. Will you give me permission?

annadingding  08/11/2015
Hi Steve, I would love to use this font for a CD cover. Please could you contact me to discuss permissions/fees? Many thanks. Anna -
deepakjoe  17/11/2015
Hi Steve! Your font is amazing, I'm a Graphic design Student looking for a title font for my Magazine Project, I don't plan on selling anything but myself will you consider this personal use?

Thank you for your kindness.
MattBlack  07/03/2016
Good day Steve, @puppets . We are intrested in purchasing your font. Please could you provide information about it.
veridylan  04/05/2016
Hi Steve,

First; amazing font. I was wondering if it would be at all possible to put this font on my resume for only my name (and possibly some H1's).

Thanks so much for your consideration,
veridylan  04/05/2016
Hi Steve,

First; amazing font. I was wondering if it would be at all possible to put this font on my resume for only my name (and possibly some H1's).

Thanks so much for your consideration,
PabloBio  23/05/2016
Hi, could you contact me for furthers informations about use of the font?
Many thanks
Desiree Hoera  01/07/2016
Hi Steve,

Awesome font! I love it! would you mind contacting me about the use of this font please?

Thank you.
rolangom  27/07/2016
Excelent Font! I like your font and I would like to use it in my mobile game, is it possible?
I'm not a company right now, but I intend to make money with it as personal.

Rolando Gómez
Valo Siri  08/08/2016
Hello, I love your font!!!! I want to use this font for a commercial logo. As payment terms and use rights? Thank you very much.
hummingbirdGD  18/08/2016
Hi Steve,

Would love to use this font for a commercial logo and branding. How can I purchase the licence please. Many Thanks
AmberW  03/10/2016
I need to see about the licensing please for a logo. Please email:
Debieus  26/10/2016
Hi Steve,

First of all; I love your font!! I used it on a children's book I made - for private use - but now I send my book to a publisher and it turns out they would like to publish it!! I'm really excited about this but I would love to keep using your font. Could you please inform me if your font is [already] available for purchase and commercial use? Thnx in advance for your response. Kind regards, Debbie []
DomCoker  26/10/2016
Steve, love the font! Thank you for sharing. How can we go about purchasing the font for commercial use for a logo? Feel free to email me. Thank you!!
mrlx  02/12/2016
Hi Steve.
I've left you a private message regarding this font.
Many thanks.
GeriBC  08/02/2017
I'm trying to get in touch with Steve Ferrera re licensing Market Deco.

Steve, please can you get in touch with me on
cwarshaw  30/03/2017
Hi Steve, I'm looking to license the font for commercial purpose. Please email me at: Thanks!
gvincent  12/07/2017
Hello Steve
Can you contact me so that we can discuss about a possibility to buy rights on your font
Thank you

my email:
I'm French
gvincent  12/07/2017
Hello Steve
Can you contact me so that we can discuss about a possibility to buy rights on your font
Thank you

my email:
I'm French
Adampottspt  08/08/2017
Hi could i be contacted regarding getting the licence to use your font with my logo, thanks,
Utilisateur supprimé 953994  22/08/2017
Please may I use this font on poster and tickets for a fundraising dance? Tickets for the event cost money but all proceeds go to charity and it is a very local event.
Rare Pear  26/08/2017
Hey Steve,

Would love to use this font for commercial use.
Please contact me to discuss the possibility.

dcalseven  09/10/2017
Hi Steve,
Same question. How much for commercial use? Thanks,
contactdebbienow (at) gmail  24/10/2017
4 years later, wondering if this is available for purchase for commercial use? No answer from the owner. Please contact me about rights at Thanks!
puppets  auteur de Market Deco   03/12/2017
Sorry no, at this time the fonts are not available for commercial use.

serviceplan  19/01/2018
hallo steve,
auch ich wollte gerne die market deco für commercial lizenziern. warum ist das nicht mehr möglich?
rosetaragold  28/02/2020
Hello Steve,

Please can you email me to inform me as to whether the font is available for commerical use again? Thanks

musty87  30/06/2020
Hi Steve,
can you please email me regarding licensing information?

lucymiller76  08/09/2020
Hi Steve!
Could you please email me to discuss commercial licensing?

Thank you,
calfaro143  14/07/2021
Hello Steve,

Are you offering Market Deco for commercial licensing? Please let me know as I would like to use it for a Mom and Pop Restaurant logo.
email me at:

Thank You,

jensdesign  21/07/2021
Any chance I can use this for a client?
jensdesign  21/07/2021
Happy to pay an additional fee.
Kbloom  11/08/2021
Hi there, would it be possible to use this for some packaging? Happy to pay a fee. Great font. THanks,Kim
jennifer.appel  22/11/2021
Hello, would it be possible to get the purchasing info for commercial licensing, please.
woolleehan  02/02/2022
Hello, would it be possible to get the purchasing info for commercial licensing, please.
almustata  22/02/2023
Hello Steve,

I am interested in the Market Deco font for commercial licensing.
Can you contact me regarding costs?

My email is

telmurcio  08/04/2023
Hello Steve,

I really, really would like to know if would it be possible to acquire this font, Market Deco, for commercial licensing.

Please, let me know. My email is

My kindest regards,

MKB  14/08/2023
Dear Steve,
I can see that you wrote on here in 2017 that the Market Deco font is not available for commercial use but I am just checking if this is still the case or they can now be used please?
Best wishes,
puppets  auteur de Market Deco   31/10/2023
Thank you for your interest, unfortunately the font is not for sale at this time.

All the best!

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