DK Lemon Yellow Sun

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28 commentaires

heathert  30/01/2015
Totally cute!
abennett  15/05/2015
Hi, we are a academy school called William Bradford Academy.
(Upper School)
Being an academy I'm guessing we are classed as a business now so hence asking if we can have permission to use this font on our network free of charge or not?
Can you e-mail me on asap due to students would like to use this font as part of their exams. Many thanks - Andrew Bennett (Technician)
dudarafaelli  13/06/2015
Hello, may i use you font in a video? I'll put it on youtube :)
saraqualls  08/08/2015
I would like to use your font (it's beautiful!) in a children's newsletter for special needs. Can you please email me if that would be okay?
gjurg4  27/08/2015
Hi, I love your font! I'm starting a business and was wondering if it would be okay to use your font on some shirts I am planning to sell. Can I use it free of charge or would I need to pay you? E-mail me at . Thank you so much!
hanoded  auteur de DK Lemon Yellow Sun   03/09/2015
Hey Gjurg4 - read the ReadMe. Commercial use requires purchasing a license.
littleokieshop  07/10/2015
Hanoded how would I go about purchasing a license for commercial use of your font? It's adorable. I've looked on here, and cannot see a place to do so. Thanks!
littleokieshop  07/10/2015
Nevermind! Didn't see your website posted :)
hanoded  auteur de DK Lemon Yellow Sun   19/10/2015
looda  28/04/2016
i would like to use your font on product package
will it be ok to use it for free?
e-mail me at
thank you a lot
lotteroza  10/05/2016
Hello, What a nice font. Im student from the Willem de Kooning academy.
I will make a schoolreport. Can i use all the fonts-family?

my email:
Thank you so much.
esperanza bringas  30/05/2016
Hello, I love this font! i would like to use it in a t-shirt. e-mail me at

thank you,

Steph7pm  04/09/2016
Hello,I´m a student from the FAD in México, I would like to use your font for a school proyect, it's a kids book and i find your font perfect for it, will that be ok? e-mail me please:, thanks!!
Hi, great font! I'm a student and using your font in a competition brief which if I win may lead to commercial use. How would I go about purchasing the rights to use it? my email is
hanoded  auteur de DK Lemon Yellow Sun   08/12/2016
Paul, read the FAQ file.
DavidSRegier  21/03/2017
Did Pearl Jam's Jeremy have influence on this font and name by chance? If it did, consider my arms raised in a "V"!
hanoded  auteur de DK Lemon Yellow Sun   21/03/2017
woanchew  05/04/2017

We would like to use the font (whole family - if have) for some tote bag design. Will it be ok for us to use it? Please kindly contact me @
dhafiyaaqilla  27/05/2017
I'm a student from Indonesia, and i would like to use your font for a school event and it's a promotion banner, will it be ok for me to use it? fyi that i don't get any paid from this.
my email:
Thank you!:)
icang surichang  22/09/2017
Hi, I love the font! I would like to use your font for a commercial use. How would I go about purchasing the rights to use it? Would you please email to me : Tq
anggun  14/10/2017
hi, I'm really love this font. How would I go for purchasing the rights to use it? I would like to use this font for my book project. would you please email to me : . thankyou.
Fonts1966  30/11/2017
this font fits well to my honeylable created by my kids. I am a beekeeper and sell in very small amounts honey. I am not a company. It´s a hobby. Can I use the testversion for free? Please contact me:
hollyjenkins89  31/07/2020
hi, I love this font! I was wondering if I could buy the licensing to use it please?
hanoded  auteur de DK Lemon Yellow Sun   05/08/2020
missscindyyy  05/01/2022
I hate it
hanoded  auteur de DK Lemon Yellow Sun   10/01/2022
Looking at your profile pic I am beginning to think you're in the 'I hate the world' fase of your life. But thanks for your valuable insights!

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