
 1 601 476 téléchargements (7 hier)

17 commentaires

Popcorn Poppers Inc  06/07/2007
Amazing. My favorite font.
Amalia P  23/11/2007
I completely agree with you, Popcorn Poppers Inc.
idmatic  23/05/2008
who is the creator?..I have to purchase it for commercial use.
the author isn't listed anywhere
Olivia Micallef  17/10/2008
I need the creator as well? I would like to purchase this font for commercial use.
michiel_terpelle  05/01/2009
I think it's officialy a font of P22. You could check that out.
cater  24/09/2009
did not find it there...somebody know who is he?
would like to use it as well
Franklin Gorge  02/10/2009
Spectacularly, great! So handwritten. Wanna purchase it for commerical use.
Carmen Vega-Reina  09/11/2009
Great font! I love it, very Dalinian indeed;-)
Nicolei  14/01/2010
omg its perfect. like it
roy300  15/04/2011
Whoah. Farkin' impressive!! Thank You! Shalom.
erflsa  18/02/2012
want to purchase it for commercial use
erflsa  18/02/2012
want to purchase it for commercial use
cindella204  21/07/2012
Awesome, thank you so much!
joeyjoey  10/09/2012
hi! is this for free? if not, how do i purchase this? thanks!
ChaMariniere  03/03/2014
Want to purchase it for commercial use aswell. Someone can help me?
fitz  02/03/2015
Thank you.
Mocky60  03/10/2016
Want to buy this commercially. I like it and thank you

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