
Vista previa
Westington à  de Hazel Abbiati 
en Bitmap (16 px) [ayuda]
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Another practice font; This time, complete with Greek characters, more punctuation marks, more accented character, ten built in cup holders, and five year warrenty! (Okay, those last two comments may be lies.)

This is a basic bitmap font with serifs. Like I said in the previous sentence, there are more characters than in the other font I've made (Brandi Alexander). Almost every character in this font is in the image below; The others are two incredibly obscure characters put in as a kind of watermark. Once more, this was simply made as practice.

This font is free use for anything, personal or otherwise. This appears best at size 16, but can be viewed at any other sizes that are multiples of 16.

Primera vez que se vio en DaFont: 27/08/2012

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