W. Hamann 1907

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W. Hamann 1907 de JM Creative Design
 9.257 descargas (67 ayer)   Gratis para uso personal
Nota del autor
This font is allowed only for personal use!
Copyright 2023 by jm-kreativdesign, all rights reserved.
This is only a beta-version. For commercial use please contact me!


Kerning problems:
In this Beta-Version are kerning and display problems possible.
Showing special characters ( $, (,),[,], numbers ect.) in programs like Open Office
doesn´t work, and after typing the kerning doesn´t fit anymore.
But I´ll try to fix it the next time and update it as soon as possible.

I hope you like this font and enjoy it!

Nice greetings

jm kreativdesign

Primera vez que se vio en DaFont: 25/11/2024

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