
Vista previa
Gobold à  de 7NTypes 
 4.282.166 descargas (737 ayer)   50 comentarios   Gratis para uso personal - 28 ficheros
Gobold Regular.otf
Gobold Regular Italic.otf
Gobold Bold.otf
Gobold Bold Italic.otf
Gobold Extra1.otf
Gobold Extra1 Italic.otf
Gobold Hollow Bold.otf
Gobold Hollow Bold Italic.otf
Gobold Hollow.otf
Gobold Hollow Italic.otf
Gobold Light.otf
Gobold Light Italic.otf
Gobold Lowplus.otf
Gobold Lowplus Italic.otf
Gobold Thin.otf
Gobold Thin Italic.otf
Gobold Uplow.otf
Gobold Uplow Italic.otf
Gobold Extra2.otf
Gobold Extra2 Italic.otf
Gobold CUTS.otf
Gobold CUTS Italic.otf
Gobold High Bold.otf
Gobold High Bold Italic.otf
Gobold High.otf
Gobold High Italic.otf
Gobold High Thin.otf
Gobold High Thin Italic.otf
Nota del autor
A stunning elegant Sans Serif font, GOBOLD Font Update 2, added 4 family [Extra2 Regular and Italic, CUTS Regular and Italic] and fixed some characters

Personal use: FREE

Commercial use: DONATE, mininal $10 USD via Situjuh's paypal account[c7nazara@gmail.com]. Use can also buy the commercial license on https://www.creativefabrica.com/designer/situjuh/

If you have any request or question, contact me via email [c7nazara@gmail.com] or leave a comment on my website http://c7n1.com

Primera vez que se vio en DaFont: 07/09/2013 - Actualizada: 29/11/2016

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