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Posts de jeppjepp

29/05/2016 a las 14:41  [respuesta]  "MACROSS" font

try "ADIDAS HALF BLOCK FONT 2016" search the free font on google to make it loook like that you need to alter the height size/warping on photoshop

Fuente sugerida: Adidas Half Block 2016

Editado el 31/05/2016 a las 11:20 por frd

29/05/2016 a las 14:32  [post initial]  Help What Fonts used in here

I want to know what fonts is used in here

10/05/2016 a las 14:03  [post initial]  help what font used for S and G :(

can someone help me i know the font used is named tex-gyre-adventor but while i was editing i noticed that the letter S and G had different form/style what i see looks like a different font as for now i tried some default fonts on my os but still no luck i wonder if this is distorted but when i tried distorting and other transformation types but no luck can someone please help me find these font/s used? thanks in advance for those who will help me.

14/04/2016 a las 09:35  [post initial]  what fonts?

hi can you please help me?
im looking for the exact fonts for the word/s "senior high"

so far as i'm searching the word senior has this lobster type font look. i don't know but i think the high one is more of a combinations.. of lobster and i don't know which fonts. advance thank you for those who help me find these.

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