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Posts de ericaprice

03/11/2016 a las 18:10  [post initial]  Font Identification

Does anyone recognize either of these fonts? Thanks in advance!

29/06/2015 a las 00:25  [respuesta]  Font identification

Thank you very much!

27/06/2015 a las 17:55  [post initial]  Font identification

Font identification, thanks in advance.

15/02/2015 a las 22:52  [post initial]  Font identification

Thanks in advance!

15/09/2014 a las 23:36  [post initial]  BASKETBALL FONT

The font for Basketball looks so familiar to me but I just can't pin point it! Please help!

16/07/2014 a las 02:45  [respuesta]  eagles nest harley davidson

Harley Davidson looks similar to Compacta

Fuente sugerida: Compacta

16/07/2014 a las 02:40  [respuesta]  eagles nest harley davidson

Eagle's Nest is Serpentine-Bold

Fuente identificada: Serpentine

16/07/2014 a las 02:38  [post initial]  Please help.

Thanks in advance.

12/07/2014 a las 00:05  [post initial]  Font for the word Patriot?

Thanks in advance!

29/05/2014 a las 05:49  [respuesta]  Font?

Thank you so much!

29/05/2014 a las 04:59  [post initial]  Font?

Thanks in advance.

Thank you so much! I don't know how I missed that one when I searched through them.

10/01/2014 a las 15:34  [post initial]  Grunge/Horror Font indentification

Does anyone know what the font for the words "Catch 22" is? Thanks in advance!

Huso horario CEST. Ahora son las 18:20

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