Anuncio de MircoZett


8 posts    Sólo solicitudes

Posts de eley

02/11/2015 a las 05:25  [respuesta]  Help with Old Script Font

Thanks! You're a lifesaver!

02/11/2015 a las 05:10  [post initial]  Help with Old Script Font

Hi, I need help identifying this old type font, I know I have it back in the 90s. This is not a stretch version, it's like this when I go it.

12/09/2015 a las 04:39  [post initial]  Sans-Serif Font?

I'm looking for this sans-serif font, I've used it before, however I can't seem to remember what it was and I think it's not on my machine anymore.

Editado el 12/09/2015 a las 04:41 por eley

13/12/2013 a las 18:16  [post initial]  AXA Font

Can anybody help?

23/10/2013 a las 01:46  [post initial]  Help on this font

It's kinda looks like Baskerville, but more decent.

24/02/2013 a las 16:23  [post initial]  What font?

16/02/2013 a las 12:43  [respuesta]  What font?

Tobol9 ha dicho  

Santa Fe


16/02/2013 a las 09:50  [post initial]  What font?

Huso horario CEST. Ahora son las 00:21

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