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Fuentes identificadas por Tomás Silcher

This most likely was printed and scanned thats why it looks a bit bolder & eroded, but it's Arial.

Fuente identificada: Arial

Looks like based on this font but manually customized removing inner whitespaces.

The image gives a pretty good hint btw!

Fuente identificada: Times New Roman

"Love" is Bold

Fuente identificada: Courier New

Fuente identificada: Klavika Medium

Fuente identificada: Akzidenz Grotesk Pro Bold

03/04/2012 a las 17:21   Font?

"wis" regular
"design" italic

Fuente identificada: Garamond

Fuente identificada: Gotham Rounded Light

Hard to tell with such a small image.
But could be a Times Bold with an outer stroke.

Fuente identificada: Times Bold

Fuente identificada: Univers 67 Condensed Bold

19/03/2012 a las 16:35   Font?

Fuente identificada: Zapfino One

Fuente identificada: Neutraface Display Medium

Fuente identificada: Lucida Bright

Fuente identificada: Gothic 725 Bold

Fuente identificada: Futura Medium

Futura Bold with an outer bevel

Fuente identificada: Futura Bold

Fuente identificada: Kabel Medium

Fuente identificada: Times Extra Bold

19/01/2012 a las 16:03   KKTNY

Picture is too small to see any detail on the font but maybe its ...

Fuente identificada: Arial Black

Fuente identificada: ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi

Huso horario CET. Ahora son las 04:27

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