Anuncio de bythebutterfly


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Posts de Lady Courage

06/03/2011 a las 01:29  [respuesta]  Lost Logo Font

Thanks so much!! That's perfect!

Anyone have any ideas about the other font?

05/03/2011 a las 00:21  [post initial]  Lost Logo Font

And here we go again...

I need the fonts on this logo but do not have the original. Now I have come to the wizards. Help please?

Thanks so much!!
Lady C

Oooh... I see what you mean. That's funny... Well, thank you very much! Now I see you're right. *sigh* Well, I guess I'm off to buy a font.

Ooh, that's close! Thanks for the reply! But I know it's a free font, because the person who made that banner never buys fonts. :P

16/11/2010 a las 18:10  [post initial]  Ahhh, another Original File loss...

If I didn't have this forum to run to, I think I would go totally bonkers. Thanks y'all!

24/10/2010 a las 00:48  [respuesta]  Gluten Free Beer

*gasp* My hero!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! Absolutely perfect!!

23/10/2010 a las 02:04  [post initial]  Gluten Free Beer


Gah!! Isn't losing an orignal file just dandy? >.<

I'm working on a project that was started by another designer whose hard-drive crashed and lost the original file. Now I'm at a loss as to what font she used! Please help me! I'm about to go CRAZY looking for it! And yet, I'll keep trying. For now anyway...

Thank you so much in advance!!

Editado el 23/10/2010 a las 11:31 por Rodolphe

Huso horario CEST. Ahora son las 11:30

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