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10 posts

Posts de fontlover2020

25/09/2020 a las 11:56  [respuesta]  Font "Snoopy things", author JBS

Maybe try and contact the author. I just had a look myself and couldn't find any information too. Normally for private use their shouldn't be any problem.

The easiest and safest way would be to check with the authors of all the fonts. If you share it on Instagram its not your personal use anymore. So just ask the authors!

25/09/2020 a las 11:50  [respuesta]  Post Font on my site

I would check with the designers of the fonts first. They might be ok with it if you give them credit, but its still theire work not urs

25/09/2020 a las 11:46  [respuesta]  Font creation

Just found this post. Have thought about a similar font to my handwriting for quit some time now. Thanks to @adabdesign for sharing the website. Never heard of this option before!

25/09/2020 a las 11:45  [respuesta]  I need some help!!

Still looking for suggestions? Since I am not really good at designing myself though I would share one of my ideas with you. But it is still very rough, so don't judge! I would like a font with even kernings like Futura but at the same time it should be more playful like Comic Sans. I don't know if this already exists or it helps you at all but I thought I will share the idea with you anyway

Is this still an issue? For me it is working fine. Have you successfully downloaded fonts in the past or was ist your first try? In the FAQ section it is explained in detail how to download. Maybe try and read this first

23/09/2020 a las 11:16  [respuesta]  Name of the font

You can post the picture in the other forum. People can then help you

Just download it yourself or look for a similar free font. Don't think anyone can help you here with this request

21/09/2020 a las 12:17  [respuesta]  newbie

Hi I am new too. Looking forward to gain and share knowledge

Why do you need so many different fonts? Don't think there is a way to download them all since nobody ever planned to do that

Huso horario CEST. Ahora son las 10:15

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