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4 posts

Posts de DebWV

15/02/2018 a las 11:28  [respuesta]  Can’t downlod fonts on iphone

I’m having the exact same problem when using my iPad and my MacBook Pro! No one can seem to be able to help me. I am not going to buy anything just so that I use Windows to download these things. There’s got to be an answer for this!

15/02/2018 a las 11:21  [post initial]  iPad help!

I’m using my iPad Air and when I click on Download, all I get is jibberish...a bunch of letters, numbers and symbols. Help me please! What do I need to do? TIA!

11/01/2018 a las 07:49  [respuesta]  App

Well, since I submitted my question, I actually found an app. It's called findafont and it cost $2.95 for the download and one for

Editado el 11/01/2018 a las 07:54 por DebWV

10/01/2018 a las 01:54  [post initial]  App

Is there a dafont app for the iPad?

Huso horario CEST. Ahora son las 07:25

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