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197 posts    Fuentes identificadas

Posts de MAWNS

13/02/2011 a las 23:43  [respuesta]  ''Amethyst'' Font.

Another similar

Fuente sugerida: Lovers Pro

13/02/2011 a las 23:42  [respuesta]  ''Amethyst'' Font.

Only similar

Fuente sugerida: Scriptina Pro

12/02/2011 a las 20:32  [respuesta]  Please help

haha @ tophy52

Fuente identificada: Arial 11pt

Editado el 13/02/2011 a las 11:56 por Rodolphe

05/02/2011 a las 22:04  [respuesta]  Nottingham City Transport

Pretty close to Futura, but thats not the one.

04/02/2011 a las 13:11  [respuesta]  font used for masterpieces?

This is custom made, I red some years ago when I was looking for the font.

26/01/2011 a las 21:18  [respuesta]  The Game

Look at this

Fuente sugerida: Compton Game

26/01/2011 a las 21:16  [respuesta]  The Game

ITellYa ha dicho  
MAWNS ha dicho  

Well, I meant down in the right corner of the last E. It's a bit taken away.

That can be done really easy by just erasing it in Photoshop or something like that, even Paint... I think it's a font!

Yeah. I just pointed it out.

Noone can seem to find it though?

26/01/2011 a las 13:01  [respuesta]  Tenth Avenue North?????

Fuente sugerida: ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro Book  (Mala respuesta)

26/01/2011 a las 12:54  [respuesta]  The Game

Myotis ha dicho  
No, the E's are not different. The underline coming from the M just makes it look like it.

Well, I meant down in the right corner of the last E. It's a bit taken away.

26/01/2011 a las 12:50  [respuesta]  Colors Fonts? please reply

Even more similar

Fuente sugerida: Gordala

26/01/2011 a las 12:49  [respuesta]  Colors Fonts? please reply

Another similar

Fuente sugerida: Amable

22/01/2011 a las 22:17  [respuesta]  The Game

Since the E:s are slightly different it wouldn't surprise me if "The Game" wasn't a font.

20/01/2011 a las 22:50  [respuesta]  What is font, please? Thanks (:

This looks like it as far as I can see

Fuente identificada: Wendy

20/01/2011 a las 00:30  [respuesta]  James Blunt font

There is four different T:s, two different A:s, H:s and some other stuff telling me this is probably not a font

19/01/2011 a las 23:46  [respuesta]  I could use your help

Fuente identificada: Angel Tears

The A's are modified

Fuente sugerida: Drescher Grotesk

07/01/2011 a las 02:44  [respuesta]  Album

The "Don't forget" is probably not a font.

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