

4 posts

anybody know what font this paul wall is?asap soon as possible

22/03/2011 a las 07:30

anybody know what font this paul wall is?asap soon as possible

Fuente identificada

Metal Lord  Sugerido por Myotis 

Fuente sugerida

Iron Maiden  Sugerido por vinz 

22/03/2011 a las 11:40

This may not be a font (L are different) but maybe based on a font.
The A reminds me the iron maiden font, it is a start...
Fuente sugerida: Iron Maiden

22/03/2011 a las 13:15

The U and L are taken from Metal Lord.

Edit: The A too.
Fuente identificada: Metal Lord

Editado el 22/03/2011 a las 13:21 por Myotis

22/03/2011 a las 15:18

"l" or "L" looks like the same to me, only diff. size.

+1 for at least that letters

Huso horario CET. Ahora son las 19:14

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