Anuncio de penelopelime



5 posts


27/01/2013 a las 05:08

These are probably similar to the previous ones I just posted but there are other fonts in here that weren't in the other photos.


Fuente identificada

Didot  Sugerido por fmontpetit 

Fuente sugerida

Avant Garde Gothic  Sugerido por fmontpetit 

27/01/2013 a las 05:09

'GYPSY 05'
Fuente identificada: Didot

27/01/2013 a las 05:15

Do you know what the sans serif fonts are?

27/01/2013 a las 05:20

I believe it's Avant Garde Gothic...
Fuente sugerida: Avant Garde Gothic

27/01/2013 a las 10:06

How are you so incredibly good at this lol. Thank you so much!

Huso horario CEST. Ahora son las 02:26

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