

4 posts

Can anyone figure out this font?

17/09/2012 a las 19:27

Anyone know what font this is? Or a font close enough to this so I can make a logo? Thank you in advance!

Can anyone figure out this font?

Fuente identificada

Banco  Sugerido por frd 

Fuente sugerida

Bron Black  Sugerido por Mr. Dude 

17/09/2012 a las 19:55

Since you didn't say which font do you need Here is the one for "INTERNATIONAL".
Fuente identificada: Banco

17/09/2012 a las 20:21

Thanks! I needed that one as well! Now I'm just looking for the font for "OPTION".

25/08/2022 a las 05:06

Thread back from the dead

The font I've linked is a sort of remastering of a font called Zelek, not to be confused with New Zelek. The only discrepancy seems to be the O, but the other letters seem to match up nicely.

To get a similar text effect you'd need to squish the text and then skew it to make it italic.
Fuente sugerida: Bron Black

Huso horario CET. Ahora son las 19:45

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