Anuncio de Kong Font



9 posts

Both Fonts.Pls

26/11/2011 a las 13:39

Both Fonts.Pls

Fuentes identificadas

Satisfaction  Sugerido por rocamaco 
Constanze Initials  Sugerido por rocamaco 
VIP  Sugerido por rocamaco 

26/11/2011 a las 13:40

Fuente identificada: Satisfaction

26/11/2011 a las 13:41

"W" and "H"
Fuente identificada: Constanze Initials

26/11/2011 a las 13:42


26/11/2011 a las 13:44

Fuente identificada: VIP

26/11/2011 a las 13:54

OK? but its just the same with constanze initials right????

How about the other White Horse i post. i really need that. plz

26/11/2011 a las 14:00

1) Yes, what concerns to the capital letters, but for the complete text: "VIP"...

2) No idea, by the moment...

Editado el 26/11/2011 a las 14:01 por rocamaco

26/11/2011 a las 14:03

ok ok ok! thnks! please dont give upon the other white horse.

26/11/2011 a las 15:24

Nice one, the Satisfaction. Just a pity about the ascender error (see f ligatures).

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