

5 posts

Stingray TV Series On Screen Title Typeface Mystery

10/01/2017 a las 02:30

I have been trying to identify this particular typeface for years, and no expert can help me. It is NOT the typeface to the series itself, which is easily available. This particular font was used in the episode title cards, as well as the end credits sequences. There are no on-screen lower case letters to hand, making it harder to identify the true name of the font, as the font appears in the series only as upper case letters.

I will be clear that the font is NOT Arab Brushstroke, even though it is similar, there are subtle differences that make it clear to me that the font is a different one altogether.

I hope somebody can help me identify the true font.

Stingray TV Series On Screen Title Typeface Mystery

Fuentes sugeridas

Simpson Bold  Sugerido por olaechea 
Impress  Sugerido por presipenas 

17/01/2017 a las 19:19

Fuente sugerida: Impress

22/01/2017 a las 19:36

Fuente sugerida: Simpson Bold

22/04/2020 a las 12:56

I've since found a 50 year old sheet which contains this font and several examples of lowercase letters.

It has no name, though, which is very odd.

23/06/2023 a las 18:41

😲 can you share the sheet? i was really struck by the font watching stingray and i was looking for a reference for it for an art project 😎

Huso horario CET. Ahora son las 23:52

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