Anuncio de DarkoJuan



7 posts

What is this font?

02/02/2016 a las 19:46

I am looking for the font for the words "high country" and "bank".


What is this font?

Editado 2 veces. Última edición el 03/02/2016 a las 14:24 por drf

Fuentes sugeridas

Eurostile Extended Bold  Sugerido por Brown013 
Times New Roman  Sugerido por Brown013 

03/02/2016 a las 08:32

High Country: Times New Roman
Fuente sugerida: Times New Roman

Editado el 04/02/2016 a las 09:55 por drf

03/02/2016 a las 08:33

Bank: Eurostile Bold Extended
Fuente sugerida: Eurostile Extended Bold

Editado el 04/02/2016 a las 09:55 por drf

03/02/2016 a las 16:55

The top of the h, n, and r don't quite match so I'm not so sure that it's Time new roman.

03/02/2016 a las 19:51

The top of the h, n, and r don't quite match so I'm not so sure that it's Time new roman.

They match perfectly.

It was easier to tell in your original post (the one that was deleted). Which was why I had suggested a modified version of Times New Roman. Obviously the g doesn't match, but everything else does.

03/02/2016 a las 20:51

Your earlier comment jerseygirl was, imho, correct. With this one I disagree. That the 'g' has been played with is clear so, 'modified'.
But, the rest does not perfectly match with the Times New Roman. Try this, superimpose the times New Roman 'g' and 'o' on the sample and look at the top of both. Though differences are minimal with other letters, like the 'h', 'u' and 't', it is just a bit off.

There are of course a great number of Times New Roman copies out there and one of those may be the perfect fit but with this image it is hard to tell.

03/02/2016 a las 21:31


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