

11 posts

Steven Universe Title Card / Credit font?

11/03/2015 a las 07:42

Any clues to what font they use here?

Steven Universe Title Card / Credit font?

Fuente identificada

Crewniverse  Sugerido por NathanIsTheBestGamer 

Fuentes sugeridas

Dosis Extra Bold  Sugerido por StevenUniverseRomanian 
Creditverse  Sugerido por NathanIsTheBestGamer 

02/07/2016 a las 00:40

Fuente identificada: Crewniverse

02/07/2016 a las 00:41

Fuente sugerida: Creditverse

12/08/2016 a las 23:44

Whoever voted Creditverse, it's not right.

12/10/2016 a las 12:33

it's not right.

09/11/2016 a las 16:24

For "Alone Togheter
Fuente sugerida: Crewniverse
  (Ya se ha sugerido aquí)

09/11/2016 a las 16:29

And For Bubble Text
Use Big "CAPS" letters to be right!And Download The Extra Bold!Not Regular!
Fuente sugerida: Dosis Extra Bold

09/11/2016 a las 16:33

The Real Font of Bubble is Dosis Extra Bold not Creditverse to know!

06/01/2017 a las 02:35

I'm was thinking it was Creditverse, but I know it's Dosis Extra Bold.

21/07/2017 a las 15:54

Oops! My bad!

16/02/2020 a las 04:16

What is the name ORIGINAL (REAL) typeface no Crewniverse?

Huso horario CET. Ahora son las 23:23

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