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17 posts

I need this font for free

05/05/2013 a las 13:37

Hello, I need a font called "Tatlin Cyrillic Regular" for free please, give me a link to download it for free! Thank you.

05/05/2013 a las 13:38

If you're talking about this font, it's a commercial product, so if you want to use it, you have to buy it.

05/05/2013 a las 13:40

No way to have it for free ?

05/05/2013 a las 13:47

If your use for commercial 20€ is not really very expensively..

05/05/2013 a las 20:06

Do we REALLY need a sticky that says "This is not a site for pirating font files!"?

06/05/2013 a las 10:18

Download a commercial font for free, it's theft and it's illegal.
Nobody on this forum (that welcomes several othors) will give you illegaly someting.

Télécharger gratuitement une police commerciale, c'est du vol.
Personne sur ce forum (qui acceuille plusieurs auteurs) ne te fournira quelque chose d'illégal.

Est-ce plus clair dit ainsi ?

09/05/2013 a las 05:31

Why is everyone comparing font piracy and general piracy to actual stealing? It's not the same thing.A font, even if it's a 'commercial product', should not be compared to something of much higher value, such as a car or house, etc. Its value is much lower than that, it's not something you NEED to live life and is not nearly as expensive. Piracy is copying, yes, and it's 'taking money', but it's not comparable to actual stealing. Is it 'stealing' if you copy it from a computer, and not a site, where the license was rightfully purchased? I've done that before, my laptop has more fonts than my desktop, including some commercial ones that were purchased a long time ago, but not by me, so am I technically 'pirating' those fonts; only if I'm using them for my own projects and nothing commercial?

Anyway, yes, you should buy it, but what people don't seem to realize is that not everybody has the money to purchase commercial fonts; I'm a student interested in typography and I can't pay for anything right now, on my own anyway. I'm not gonna give a link to anything, but I'm just saying... one of the main reasons why people ask for free commercial fonts is not because they're cheapskates, but because they aren't able to afford some of the outrageous font asking prices, or would like to use the font personally.

Editado 2 veces. Última edición el 09/05/2013 a las 05:35 por classyyrikka

09/05/2013 a las 09:59

Sorry, but LOL.

Piracy is piracy, period. If you have another word for "getting a commercial font without paying", feel free to suggest.

Nobody has compared a font with a car or a house. At least not in this thread, and when I'm doing it ("trying to download a car from the internet"), it's obviously to make fun, and not to be taken seriously.

Imagine. Your job is to create an item. You spend hours, days, weeks, maybe even months creating this item. And when the moment has come, you're putting your item for sale, and you expect to earn something with it - after all, it's your job. And suddenly, someone is making an exact copy - which is illegal, there are laws in this world - and gives your item for free. How will you feel when you have to pay the bills ? When you have to eat ?

If you don't have the money to buy a commercial font, you don't have to steal it. You will always be able to legally find a very, very similar free font. There are so many lookalikes, there's no need to steal. You can come here and ask for similar free fonts, people will always be able to help you, and suggest a lot of things you wouldn't even imagine.

Usually, fonts aren't expensive. I mean, you can get great fonts for $1 to $20. Of course, there are font families that cost a lot more (if one day you try to create a complete font, which has accented characters from all over the world, and a lot of foreign alphabets, trust me, you'll realize why fonts can be expensive). And once you buy a font, it lasts forever. So it's money well spent, with a product that can be used again and again and again, forever. Think about all the stuff you don't really need, that cost approximately the same price as a font, and that you might have in your closet, room, apartment. How about a cup of coffee at Starbucks ? A few bucks that will last only 5 minutes.

Now, I'm not blaming you, make no mistake. I understand how you feel, many people think the same. But that's also because they are not really interested in the font scene. Maybe it's a "generation" thing, being used to get free things over the internet. But you have to realize that stealing isn't necessary. Like you say, a font isn't something you NEED to live life, and you're absolutely right. So next time you'll find yourself in the situation of trying to steal a commercial font, think twice, and try to find a legally free alternative.

10/05/2013 a las 09:51

classyyrikka ha dicho  
Why is everyone comparing font piracy and general piracy to actual stealing?

Because it is.

A font, even if it's a 'commercial product', should not be compared to something of much higher value

The act of stealing does not depend on the value of the stolen object.

it's not something you NEED to live life

One more reason to don't steal it.

and is not nearly as expensive.

So, buy it.

it's 'taking money', but it's not comparable to actual stealing.

If a take $20 in your pocket, isn't it stealing ?

if I'm using them for my own projects and nothing commercial?

If I steal a car and I use it only for my personal use, "nothing commercial", isn't it stealing ?

what people don't seem to realize is that not everybody has the money to purchase commercial fonts;

I've no money to purchase a Ferrari. Is it a reason to steal it if I want one ?

I'm not gonna give a link to anything, but I'm just saying... one of the main reasons why people ask for free commercial fonts is not because they're cheapskates, but because they aren't able to afford some of the outrageous font asking prices, or would like to use the font personally.

First, if they don't have money, they can use free fonts. It exist many. If I havent money to buy a Ferrari, I buy a less expensive car or second hand car.

Second, befor saying tre price of a font is "outrageous", create a full and realy nice font and compute the time you spent...

10/05/2013 a las 12:48

I'm a student also and have spent days in some instances to create a font that I felt proud of . I don't have vast sums of money to spent on some of the truly beautifully font family I have come across but I would never dream of stealing it as I understand the work put into it. I also understand the heartbreak of seeing your work being being used commercially *cough cough* escape the fate *cough* when you have kindly allowed the world to freely download and and use it for personal work

10/05/2013 a las 17:48

"I'm poor, so I should get other people's work for free" is hardly a good argument to make.. particularly on a site frequented by the very people you're ripping off!

11/05/2013 a las 01:31

I probably have a quarter million, (or more), commercial fonts that I didn't pay for. Most of them are still in .zip archives that I've never opened. Some I install, and try them out in a Microsoft Word document, or I just open them with my font editor, and study the workmanship. I don't see anything wrong with that. To me, they're more valuable than the disk space they occupy, but I would probably only buy CA Subbacultcha if I had to pay for any of them.

If I was using one of the fonts for a commercial purpose, I would buy it, even if I already owned a bootleg copy. The way I see it, when you buy a commercial font, you are purchasing the right to use the font to generate income, rather than purchasing the digital information contained in the .ttf or .otf file. Since the only graphic design that I do is making free fonts for other people to use, I don't foresee the need to buy any licenses anytime soon. I realize that not everyone shares my Libertarian views on this.


11/05/2013 a las 15:15

That's not Libertarian, Meta... that's rather explicitly COMMUNIST. Again, your whole argument comes down to "I'm poor, so I should get other people's work for free", which is extremely un-libertarian, as you exploit other people's work without recompense.

12/05/2013 a las 09:45

Although I do not fully agree with ~bito, Libertarian has little to do with Communist. Maybe you should have paid some more attention at school. Then you would have written Anarchist.

Editado el 12/05/2013 a las 09:47 por koeiekat

12/05/2013 a las 18:52

My point was that there was nothing Libertarian (which requires respecting individual rights to property) about Meta's assertion. The convenient ignoring of individual property rights, particular in the name of 'being poor', is explicitly a communist mantra. You cannot be a Libertarian if you don't recognize the rights of others.

12/05/2013 a las 20:44

Jaynz ha dicho  
My point was that there was nothing Libertarian (which requires respecting individual rights to property) about Meta's assertion. The convenient ignoring of individual property rights, particular in the name of 'being poor', is explicitly a communist mantra. You cannot be a Libertarian if you don't recognize the rights of others.

Depends on the school ... Thus ... back to school ...

13/05/2013 a las 10:31

I share some of the thoughts of bito, if it's for study only I think it's okay (it's just normal curiosity) that's why I release my fonts as "Free for personal use" so everybody can use it, despite of their income. And if you intend to earn money thanks to my work, it's fair to ask people to buy the license.
Unfortunately, as BonezDesignz said, I frequently see my fonts used without authorization. As an author, this is a pain in the ass : threatening of lawsuit to get your money is really boring and time consuming. Because of this, I'm considering releasing my fonts only in shareware with a limited number of glyphs. People are definitely not fair and honest.

That said, famous foundry also release some of their fonts' weight for free. So you don't have to download it illegaly... I also agree to the above statements, if you are a student and can not afford to buy fonts, there are tons of free fonts you can work.
So tell me, classyyrikka, which kind of work require that you download pirated fonts? Unless you work in the graphic domain and have to use a specific font... In that case, you should reconsider the way you see the thing, would you agree that your client use your work without being paid?

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