Red October

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6 comentarios

duluthmuffler  20/01/2008
You should finish this with some Cyrillic characters too. Or give alternates that are... That would be really neat.
neuroman  autor de Red October   13/09/2008
If you pay close attention, the font is actually contains FULL Cyrillic support, as I'm native Bulgarian and that is important to me.
prask  30/09/2008
great font :)
Grett  08/05/2010
Really great font. And big thx for Cyrillic support, cauze i'm from Russia :)
KatyaVictoria  09/01/2012
This is my all time favourite faux-Cyrillic. It has exactly the right look without being cheesy (backwards R, Д used as A, etc). So good!
bjo08  28/04/2020
how come i cant download red october.fat?

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