Paper Daisy

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7 comentarios

LidiaS  11/03/2017
Hi is this font available for commercial use (

byjanam  autor de Paper Daisy   16/03/2017
Hi LidiaS,

yes it's available for commercial use :)
You can find the commercial license here:

Cheers, Jana
Lizzzzzzzzzzz  19/04/2018
I definitely love this font, but I'm not liking how you are limited to what you can type with the free version. Seriously, there isn't even a fullstop/period that you can use in this font. I'm very disappointed since I don't want to waste any money on this font. I also believe this font is partially overpriced since I may rarely use this font. Could you please improve?
byjanam  autor de Paper Daisy   06/06/2018
Hi Liz,
thanks for your honest feedback.

I created this demo version so that people can try the font and get a first impression before purchasing the full version. I put a lot of love and work into this font so I will not give it away for free. The price is in the usual range for such fonts.
I am sorry to say that I am not planning to improve this free version, at least for now.

Greenpotato  04/08/2019
Minimilastic,sexy and very professional looking font.It looks amazing, I am going to try incorparte your awesome handwriting into my own so it can looks almost as good.Thanks for the great font :)
TanHope  23/04/2020
I love this font! If I purchase the Desktop version for commercial use am I able to use the font on a website?
Thank you,
byjanam  autor de Paper Daisy   18/06/2020
@TanHope You can use the font for images on your website, but not as web font :)

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