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 997.242 descargas (21 ayer)   Dominio público / GPL / OFL - 2 ficheros

28 comentarios

crd22  28/11/2009
Very nice font.

My immediate reaction was that this was an extremely elegant font. It's got a real good look to it.
misha  09/12/2009
Awesome font!
Dernhelm  13/12/2009
I agree with crd22, elegant font and at the same time, it has an original look. It's not quite like something that has been done before. It is inspired by things done before but it kind of "renews" these things in an original way. I also appreciate in a big way the fact that your fonts are always rather "thorough", with a large number of different letters and characters featured.
Thanks a lot for this beautiful contribution!
wicked'kitty'm8  17/12/2009
luv it
dis is well gd i lyk da way it flows
m8 well dun
luv yax
CRYCLR  31/12/2009
very nice font, but how do you create the special caractors above the letters.
kt123456  03/12/2012
Hello, love this font! Would I be able to use it for a logo for my brand that I'll be selling? Thanks. --contact me on
bverity1  09/05/2013
brilliant font! thanks so much for sharing.
I was wondering if you would mind if I used this font on the back of a cap for my business - it is just for one single word? my details are: thank you!
ZeroLiam  02/09/2013
I love this font, it is extremely clean, elegant and beautiful. I want to praise your work, because it is truly amazing. I have no words to describe it, but thanks for sharing.
Schnecke92  04/09/2013
I would like to use this great font for commercial use
please send me an email at
I would like to use this great font for commercial use
please send me an email at
Ísis Muniz  28/07/2015
I would like to use this great font for commercial use,
please send me an email at
Great font.
Mikycat  21/12/2015
I would like to use this great font for commercial use,
please send me an email at
monicasillasb  19/02/2016
I would like to use this font for commercial use,
please send me an email at
monicasillasb  23/02/2016
This font is amazing, I would like to use it for comercial use, please contact me at
mary7  12/07/2016
Hi.Nice font.
I would like to use it for comercial use.
Wada07  05/09/2016
I would like to use this great font for commercial use,
please send me an email at
Great font.
Krissymk08  05/12/2016
Would I be able to use this for commercial use?

PaulaCC  05/01/2017
I would like to use this font for a logo, could you send me permission for commercial use­? THANKS!!
hibiki  10/03/2017
I would like to use this font for a logo, could you send me permission for commercial use­?
Ingridbordado  20/05/2017
I would like to use this great font for commercial use,
please send me an email at

linnealofquist  10/08/2017
I would like to use this font for a logo, could you send me permission for commercial use­?

annelouise123  11/01/2018
I would like to use this great font for commercial use.
Beatriz Lemos  15/04/2018
Posso utilizar essa fonte para fins comerciais?
Aqui está meu e-mail:
Gostei muito da fonte, achei bem criativa e se não for totalmente grátis envie-me um e-mail falando sobre termos, condições e preços.
Desde já agradeço!
DMK00  15/05/2018
I would like to use this great font for commercial use
please send me an email at
panacea_thailand  30/07/2019
I would like to use this great font for commercial use,
Could you please send me an email of permission at ?

It's very kind of you.
Thank you.
adrenalina  29/11/2019
I would like to use this great font for commercial use
please send me an email at
Marieliz Paz  04/05/2020
I would like to use this font for commercial designs. Can you let me know what usage rights and permissions or conditions are for this font? Please contact me at: mapaz,
partybliss  01/09/2023
안녕하세요, 저는 이 글꼴을 디자인 인쇄물에 사용하고 싶습니다.
상업적으로 무료 사용이 가능합니까? 이메일 주소 으로 관련 내용을 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.

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