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Kawoszeh à  de gluk 
 324.240 descargas (13 ayer)   Dominio público / GPL / OFL - 2 ficheros

9 comentarios

hEnGaMe  05/11/2008
Schwalbenkoenig  05/11/2008
Nice one, congratualtions
serdominik  10/11/2008
It's fantastic font!
franchfry622  16/11/2008
nice =D
typeauxfilles  17/11/2008
Nice work very ...polish(ed), indeed! Thank you.
Insektopia  18/11/2008
Thank you for the font. I am quite 'font' of it :) Something different, but still classical.

code933k  30/12/2008
I really appreciate seeing pretty artwork with GPL2/Public Domain licenses in it. Quite pleasant in my GNU/Linux production machine.

Thank you very much.
Dernhelm  11/01/2009
Merci pour cette police, originale et classique à la fois, lisible et surtout COMPLETE. Merci beaucoup.

Thanks for this font, original and yet classical at the same time, legible and most of all, thanks for your THOROUGH work with it (all the letters and signs are represented) which is especially important if you don't write in English. Thanks again.
sivagu28  13/08/2012
Brilliant! I can't find words to describe it. Good work!

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